Audit of Great Park Audit Withdrawn; Senate Votes are Not There

AgranAudit signs

While the majority of the 14 members of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee was in favor of auditing the audit/investigation of the Great Park, the needed Senate votes are not there so State Rep. Gonzalez has pulled the item from the agenda of State Rep. Gipson’s committee today and there will be no investigation of the way Irvine Republicans conducted the audit and investigation of the Great Park unless AG Kamala Harris decides to launch her own investigation.

The extraordinary efforts made by the city’s lobbying firm and the Republican state assembly and state senate elected leaves little doubt the Republicans feared the sort of scrutiny a state investigation would bring.

The Liberal OC has received a copy of a 5 page letter drafted by Mayor Steven Choi to State Rep. Mike Gipson, who chairs the committee, opposing the JLAC request to audit the City of Irvine’s Audit Subcommittee.  In the letter is the most extraordinary lie Choi has ever uttered:

“The allegation that the Great Park Audit was initiated for local political purposes is completely false,” writes the Mayor.

Choi’s rationale is because the final reports weren’t completed until months after the November election, it absolved the claim the audit was a taxpayer funded witchhunt.

We call bullshit.


Mailer after mailer, false preliminary data leaked, and websites/road signs promoting the Audit weren’t for local political purposes.  For Choi to make this statement to an assembly representative to sway opinion is the equivalent of political perjury.  To make the statement, Choi is either stupid or a liar, or both.


  1. so you’re admitting you’re dumb or a liar, per your defense of Choi. Knock yourself out Tiger

  2. Dan, you call “bullshit,” but in case you hadn’t noticed the Agranistas are gone and no one really cares what you call. The State of California had no jurisdiction or business sticking it’s nose into Irvine, based on the whims of a paid shill of Gafcon. Those fools in Sacramento can’t take care of business there (water & high speed rail) much less worry about what is happening in Orange County. Better find another “dead horse” to beat, like the location of the Great Park High School. Happy trails…….

    • LtPar, does that opinion of Sacramento extend to the laws passed that enabled you to be given a pension benefit that is worth millions?

      A benefit that allows you to retire early?

      What about the presumptive laws you enjoy? Did Sacramento not get it right then?

      How about the POBOR? Did Sacramento get that one wrong as well?

      When you reject all the things you are afforded from Sacramento (via taxpayer expense aka socialism) the rest of us taxpayers don’t enjoy I might give your opinion of them a shred of credibility.

  3. If it were not for lies and bitterness, you liberals would be speechless.

    Here are the misrepresentations on Dan’s rant:

    “Mailer after mailer, false preliminary data leaked, and websites/road signs promoting the Audit weren’t for local political purposes. For Choi to make this statement to an assembly representative to sway opinion is the equivalent of political perjury. To make the statement, Choi is either stupid or a liar, or both.”

    Dan has no idea who put up those road signs, or who created the website. The adults on Irvine City Council now in charge after years of Larry Agran and his liberal cabal are making substantive changes that are long overdue.

    All the whining you do won’t change the facts. Please stop lying, Dan.
    You liberals have been tearing down America since the New Deal. Liberals don’t even have 20/20 hindsight.

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