Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Comes to OC June 18

Hillary Clinton in OC in 2005
Hillary Clinton in OC in 2005

Former Secretary of State and US Senator officially launched her candidacy for President in New York City this weekend to huge crowds and less than a week later, she’s bringing her campaign to Orange County.

Irvine Council member Beth Krom offered this letter about the June 18 event in Newport Beach.

I know that, like me, you are concerned about the future of our country. While it may seem too early to care about the 2016 election, the truth is that Republicans see an opportunity to take the Oval Office along with their other conquests, and our greatest weakness is complacency.

That’s why I am writing to invite you to join me in being an early supporter of Hillary Clinton.

This Thursday, June 18th, Hillary Clinton will be here in Orange County at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach for a special fundraiser. The event will be from 7:30 to 9:30 and will include an intimate conversation with the candidate.

There are two levels of support: $1000 and $2700. I know that bar may be high for some, but for those of you who are able, please consider donating and attending. For those who cannot give at these levels but would like a chance to attend…read on.

You must donate online to secure admission to the event. The link to contribute is: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/special-events/conversation-hillary-jun-18/?raiser=82736

For those who would like to provide early support to Hillary’s campaign and would welcome a chance to attend this event — but who cannot commit $1000 at this time — I have another option tailored just for you. 

Everyone who donates $250 through the link above before this Wednesday, June 17th will have an opportunity to attend. 

For every four $250 donors, a name will be drawn. That’s a 25% chance to attend this very special event — perhaps your only opportunity to be at a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton here in Orange County. You will be notified by Wednesday evening if your name has been selected.

I have had the good fortune to hear Hillary Clinton speak on several occasions. She is one of the few politicians whose words inspired me, touched my heart and convinced me that her motivation is service in the public interest.

Hillary’s lifelong passion for improving the lives of all Americans is at the heart of her campaign and she has the character, the intelligence, the determination and the experience to put people back at the center of our national agenda.

I hope you will support Hillary Clinton, support this event and encourage others to do the same.

We are fighting against ignorance and an all out agenda to abandon “We the people” in service to the selfish interests of the extreme partisans and self serving profiteers. If our democracy is worth fighting for, we must not abandon our post as citizens. Let’s work together to take back America.

Hope to see you Thursday!
HRC10-2005 056



  1. Let me get this straight… the purpose of this event is a fight against ignorance? Interesting that the rich of Newport Beach at $1k and $2500k are the ones support this exclusive event at the Balboa Bay Club. Which poor people is Hillary fighting for? She might have made more money by giving a speech for $250k and then forgetting to report it. Not that she would ever do anything like that!

    Wake up everyone. We the people cannot sustain the Democratic approach to governing. All of the debt we are building for social justice is being purchased by the Chinese and other wealthy foreign people. Have you notice in California that many of the nicest homes and properties are not owned by Americans anymore. We have a serious problem and another Clinton in office is not going to solve it!

    • Its a fundraiser for the woman who will be our next president. And yes, it is a fight against ignorance offered up by the Republican Party. Cheney thinks Benghazi was the worst thing he ever saw? I guess he forgot about 9/11. As far as your second paragraph goes, thank Republicans for it. The first Clinton in office presided over an amazing economy, he produced surpluses and shrunk the size of government. The next Clinton will do the same.

    • Mike,

      I know that conservative Hillary haters are oblivious to facts. According to Forbes Magazine only about 7% of the national debt is owned by the Chinese.

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