Irvine Apartment Complex Posts Racist “Keep it Down” Sign

racist apartment sign

The property managers at Toscana Apartments in Irvine posted a sign for their residents that’s easily one of the most racist things to pop up in Irvine in years.  The sign warned “African American” residents to keep the noise down between 10PM and 7PM.

Here’s what they posted from

Nothing to see here, just a normal sign from a cool residential management company with specific noise control instructions for black people. No big deal at all.

I saw this screenshot via @lenubienne on Twitter, and my immediate response, as yours might be, was it had to be Photoshopped. But it’s from a woman who Instagrammed the flyer from her apartment complex elevator last night. She took a second photo, and a video that shows the flyer clearly. “This is what it means to be black in Irvine,” she says. “Generalizations.” Her friend chimes in: “Blatant racism, with no regard to our personal feelings.”

Now the Property Management company denies posting the notice, but the slick use of graphics and the complex’s logo make it an awfully elaborate prank.

From the update posted on Jezebel:

Updated: Marty McKenna, a representative for Equity Residential—the publicly traded company that manages 400 apartment complexes in 12 states, including the Toscana Apartments—told me by email, “This flyer was not created or posted by Equity Residential. We are investigating the source. We are outraged by the content and it does not match our core values as a company.” McKenna also told Gawker that “it is unlikely that a Toscana employee would post the notice without the knowledge or authorization of Equity Residential.”


  1. Keep stirring the pot, Chemiewski. Keep exaggerating the smallest of nuisances.
    You want us to be like Baltimore, don’t you? Where everyone is cowering inside their homes after the rioting. Police stay out of crime-ridden neighborhoods, for Baltimore’s black mayor said “Let them loot.” That will solve all the “racism” problems.

    No more describing perps by color. That would be “profiling.”

    Cop: “Describe the person who hijacked your car.”
    Liberal Victim: I can’t. That would be profiling.
    Cop: “Male or female.”
    PC Victim: “No profiling.”
    Cop: “Height?”
    Liberal Victim: “Can’t help you.”

    Cop, on the radio: “All points bulletin. Stop everyone as a possible suspect, including dogs and cats. Out.”

    The future of Liberal NIrvana, like Detroit, Baltimore, and New Orleans.
    Keep playing the Al Sharpton game, Dan. It’s working REAL WELL, isn’t it.

  2. Don’t blame me! I live in the inland empire with my fiancé and only drive into OC to attend my commission meetings.

    • Try as one might to educate liberals, they never learn, not even from 20/20 hindsight. Liberals continue to forge behind by divisive race-baiting, throwing public dollars at every problem, raising taxes, and pursuing socialism headlong. Here is some perspective you liberals need very badly:

      • John,

        You continue to act like a typical America hating conservative.

        You are great at pointing out the difficulties or failings of a particular issue but never offer any viable solutions.

        So I ask you. What nation and form of governance typifies your ideal form of government? Please be specific.

  3. Gotta love how quickly John runs from a question that requires him to answer with something other than post digested soundbites from wacko conservative outlets.

    He should consider changing his surname from Jaeger to Beute.

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