Not Schott! Irvine’s Lynn Schott is Not a Candidate for Congress in CD-46


Politics1’s Twitter feed reports that Irvine council member Lynn Schott, with all of six months under her belt as an elected official, has launched a campaign for Congress going after Loretta Sanchez’s CD-46 seat.  Sources tell TheLiberalOC that Schott has no intention of running for Congress.

Schott apparently pulled and filed papers to form a committee, but then thought better of it.  But in doing so, Politics1 got the story and its being reported that she’s running for Congress.

Schott doesn’t live in CD-46, but that’s not a restricting in running for the seat.  But her political background makes her an odd duck for Congress in that district.  She’s lived in Irvine for 30 years and clearly identifies with the Tea Party crowd.  Her political beliefs aren’t a great fit for a district that’s largely Latino and Vietnamese, and her votes as a city council member reflect the priorities of the Republican Party more so than the true political reflection of the city she represents.  Schott was a poor fundraiser for her City Council race and it’s doubtful she could raise the sort of coin required for a serious Congressional campaign.

She’d have an impossible time connecting with a majority of voters in CD-46 but she does accomplish one thing — she makes Lou Correa look like a bleeding heart Liberal.


  1. Lynn should pull a Larry Agran and run for president. She’s a heck of a lot smarter and more ethical than Hillary or Larry. Just maybe not as savvy at lying and misleading people, truly liberal strong points.

  2. after the president of the United States told them Iraq had them. How many trillion did this lie cost us? And its all on you guys baby…..

    and Trickle down economics will work when exactly?

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