When longtime North Orange County Community College District trustee Mike Matsuda resigned January 1, the NOCCCD Board has had a vacancy. That seat has been provisionally filled with a rising star in the Democratioc Party in Orange County. Jackie Rodarte, who served as an intern in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel and worked on First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” program to get school kids more active, was appointed to the seat this week.
The press release is below:
The North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) Board of Trustees unanimously voted to provisionally appoint Ms. Jacqueline Rodarte to Trustee Area 5 through November 2016. She will be officially seated as a trustee at the April 14 NOCCCD board meeting, after a 30 day waiting period. Ms. Rodarte assumes the seat of Michael Matsuda, who resigned on January 1.
Ms. Rodarte earned her associate’s degree from Fullerton College, her bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles, and is currently pursuing a single subject teaching credential at California State University, Fullerton.
She currently serves as a lead tutor at the Independent Learning Center in Anaheim, where she assists students in their goals to attain their high school diplomas. While a student at Fullerton College, she interned at the White House in the Office of Presidential Personnel and assisted with the First Lady’s “Let’s Move” initiative. Ms. Rodarte also founded the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Student Center, a free tutoring program to all students, at Anaheim High School.