Longshot State Senate candidate Naz Namazi issued perhaps the worst press release I’ve ever seen over the weekend, but we’re writing about it because it calls attention to State Rep. Don Wagner. Namazi’s release has no real headline and isn’t written in standard news release style, but sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.
Namazi is alleging State Rep. Don Wagner is coordinating with IEs supporting his state senate candidacy; and she offers the scan of two mailers above that lend credibility to her concerns.
From the Press Release:
Thursday, February 19th, political mail was distributed as well as the following day, Friday, February 20th. Both pieces share the exact same frame of photography. Both pieces share the same 5 endorsements. The alternate photos share the same clothing and style. Such consistency is not out of the ordinary for a political message from a candidate. The issue is one was sent by a candidate and the other by an outside group.
Mr. Wagner and this “independent” expenditure each sent a piece of mail, and are NOT permitted to coordinate according to state law. The Fair Political Practices Committee has a pathway for investigation. Today, Saturday, February 21st, a lawyer, who is willing to help clear the air, has been contacted.
This is why Naz is running. The political industrial complex is not being forthright. People deserve honesty.
That’s pretty much the whole press release.
So Naz says Wagner appears to be breaking the rules and people need honesty. But still no compelling message on why voters should cast their ballot for her. And if voters demand honesty, shouldn’t she apply that same standard to her boss, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher?
This is not uncommon as candidates place photos and endorsements on their website and then IE committees take those photos and endorsements and use them in pieces. It is a loophole for sure and one that it would be great if the legislature or the FPPC closed.
This one is a stretch, for sure. Namazi knows she doesn’t have a chance in hell of garnering more than a handful of votes. In fact, the write-in Dem will probably get more votes. So, her lame attack will do nothing but cause a minor hiccup among political bloggers longing to attack their favorite opponents. Wagner shouldn’t get cocky but build on the edge he has. The only good thing if Moorlach wins is he won’t be able to do much damage. If Wagner wins, you can bet Moorlach’s desperate hand will be reaching for his old Assembly seat.
I don’t think Moorlach lives in Wagner’s assembly district. We’re hearing Choi wants to run and Nielsen from Tustin is a candidate along with Harry Sidhu. Kris Murray won’t run and neither will Jeff Lalloway, both citing the age of their young kids.
They all coordinate.
yes they do