Irvine Community News & Views Still Publishing


After November’s bitter and close election, Irvine Republicans like Allan Bartlett and Jeff Lalloway went to social media to ask if anyone got their copy of Irvine Community News & Views because, “my copy hasn’t arrived” followed by derisive comments that the OC Register’s delivery team was responsible for distribution.  Lots of griping from Irvine Republicans that it was a fake newspaper (hey if your base has the intellect of a doorknob and couldn’t tell what it was, don’t blame me).

We’re happy to report that Irvine Community News & Views is no longer a slate mailer, but in fact a real newspaper.  The paper’s best vehicle for news is online where it comes right to your email but there’s a print edition as well.  Mine came in a large envelope (expensive folks!) and there were actual real estate ads for homes for sale in addition to a detailed community calendar of events and well written community news.  So the days of calling this a “fake” newspaper are over because in America, anyone with a printing press can publish a newspaper.

In a city of more than 200,000 people, Irvine could easily support a small daily newspaper.  The Irvine World News is impossible to find since it was acquired by the OC Register and gone with that distribution to Irvine homes — coupled with longtime editor Don Dennis’s retirement — was the editorial independence it used to have.

You might say, “But this (ICNV) paper is biased against Irvine Republicans.”  Biased as opposed to the OC Register’s editorial pages which lauds Republicans over Democratic viewpoints?  Or biased as say OC Weekly’s coverage of local politics?  Join the club.  I sure hope the paper makes it.  More media and more viewpoints make for a better informed citizen.



  1. While no one ever accused mainstream media of being objective and unbiased, the Community News and Views takes propaganda to a new level. I suppose if liberals like yourself were the only ones reading the crap published, we could just write it off to “birds of a feather stick together.” Unfortunately, many Irvine citizens who do not know it is a propaganda rag, see the articles and naively believe them to be factual. Pardon me if I don’t sign up for the expanded version of the world once known by Larry Agran, but I will just stick to the O.C. Liberal to get my dose of propagands. Keep spinning Dan.

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