Today is Election Day in the First District

VoteButtonsToday is Election Day in central Orange County to replace First District Supervisor Janet Nguyen who in December moved on to Sacramento as the 34th District State Senator. The election is likely to be a very low turnout election, around 20 percent of registered voters. Polls will be open, in the district which stretches from Santa Ana westward into Garden Grove, Westminster, Midway City, and Fountain Valley, from 7 am to 8 pm. If you need polling place information, call the Registrar of Voters at 714-567-7600. You can find your polling place online here, the Registrar of Voters website is at

Senator Lou Correa (Photo: Chris Prevatt)
Senator Lou Correa (Photo: Chris Prevatt)

We are Democrats here at and we are hopeful that this election will bring an alternative voice to the extreme right-wing posturing that has been the norm on the Board of Supervisors since 2006, when Senator Lou Correa left his seat representing the First District when he was elected Senator for the 34th District.

While Lou Correa is a moderate, some might even say conservative, Democrat he is the more liberal, and best qualified, of the two democrats in this election. The other is Lupe Morfin-Moreno, best known as an extremist anti-illegal immigrant advocate. The rest of the candidates are all Republicans and that is the last thing the people of Orange County, and the First District, need more of on the Board of Supervisors.

If you are a Vote-by-Mail voter, your ballot may be dropped off at any polling place in the First District. You can drop it in the mail today, and as long as it is received within the next three days, it will be counted. We suggest however, that you drop it off at a polling place just to be sure.

Since this is a Special Election, if you are going to vote in person, your polling place may be in a different location. As we mentioned above, your polling place can be found online here.

Remember, Vote Lou Correa for First District Supervisor

1 Comment

  1. My father made sure everyone who was eligible to vote did vote. So at least there’s that.

    20%?! Grrrr, we must figure out a way to get more people to actually participate.

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