Four independent sources tell TheLiberalOC that Dr. Jose Moreno will run for Anaheim City Council instead of re-election to his school board seat. We’re told a press conference will be scheduled for Friday morning, campaign photos will be shot Thursday, and one source says that Moreno will be a part of Mayor Tom Tait’s “Good Government” slate even though Tait will never endorse or support a Democrat.
We attempted to contact Moreno directly through a third party (at the time, we had two sources for the story); the third party told us Moreno would speak to me if we told him who our sources were. TheLiberalOC declined the offer, but noted that Moreno’s inquiry wasn’t a denial. Two other sources contacted us shortly thereafter with details on the Thursday photo shoot and the Friday announcement.
Moreno would join Donna Acevedo as one of two Latino Democrats as city council candidates. Acevedo was informed by the Registrar of Voters that she qualified for the November ballot.
Moreno, a long time Progressive but a short time Democrat, made a name for himself as a school board trustee and for leading the fight for district elections in Anaheim, claiming the city’s more than 50 percent Latino population was under-represented. While redistricting is on the ballot, only two Latinos announced for council.
Joe Moreno has pulled papers too so there will be 2 Jose Morenos on the ballot
Asking you for sources? CLASSY…and par for the course for Moreno.
Jose “Joe” Moreno is running, haha!
If the other Joe Moreno is the same one who ran against Daly for Assembly in 2012, then he may have the same problem he did last time. He cannot run for elective office if he still works for the county in a federally funded program. He is prohibited by law from running for any legislative office, including city council. Sounds like another Trojan Horse candidate. If he files someone will need to call the county and find out if he still works for the Social Services Agency. It would be awful for hime to lose his job over a stupid city council contest. I doubt he and his family could live on what the city council job pays. Just saying.
Actually Chris, since council is technically a non-partisan race and Moreno works for the county and not the city, he can run.
Dan (and Chris),
Was awake at this hour and thought I’d add my two cents:
Why don’t you guys convince Karina Onofre to quickly move to Anaheim and get her to run too.
She’s used to last-minute filing deadlines and I’m sure her campaign would be…. “interesting”. Maybe she could even invoke a comparison between herself and President John F. Kennedy (which is what she did in her recent campaign for State Assembly a few months ago).
Good idea, Mani – her boyfriend Mike “Mike” could run as well – there ARE two seats open. They wouldn’t even have to decide what party they’re in this time around!
Had a chat with Dr. Moreno’s consultants Friday. They were unable to answer what I thought were pretty basic questions. The formal announcement of his candidacy went out Friday and the campaign HQ has a Fullerton address.