Is Janet Nguyen Violating the Baugh Manifesto?

Supervisor Janet Nguyen (Campaign photo)
Supervisor Janet Nguyen (Campaign photo)
Supervisor Janet Nguyen (Campaign photo)

The SD-34 race is heating up and Orange County Supervisor Janet Nguyen may have run afowl of the Baugh Manifesto, where Republican candidates for office are not allowed to accept contributions from public employee unions.  Nguyen has accepted public union PAC money; on May 2, Nguyen’s campaign reported a $4,000 donation from the Santa Ana and Orange County Professional Firefighters Association Political Action Committee to the Secretary of State’s office.

“I saw my Republican opponent interview right after I did with the Orange County Professional Firefighters, Union Local 3631, in April. They’ve provided financial support for my Senate race in the past, but I guess my opponent was also able to make the case she’d also be a good labor vote for their members,” said Community College Trustee Jose Solorio.

As a member of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, Nguyen serves on the Board of Directors of the Orange County Fire Authority as an alternate.

Scott Baugh, chairman of the Orange County Republican Party, demands that GOP candidates adhere to his manifesto, which states, “A minimum standard for our support is that no candidate will be supported by this party who receives contributions from public employee unions. If you have already taken their money — give it back.”


Nguyen is a candidate with a couple of strikes on her already.   She’s running for State Senate in a heavily Democratic district and she trails in fundraising.  Couple that will questions about her leadership role at CalOptima, which federal auditors called a “serious threat to the health and safety” of its elderly patients, Nguyen was named “local elected official of the year” to better position her against Solorio.

Will Baugh demand she return the union PAC money?  


1 Comment

  1. What a terrible choice we face. A corrupt Repub or a spineless weakling Democrat Solorio. And firepersons apparently do not know anything of labor history? Someone should volunteer to tutor the overpaid halfwits that sit around and lift weights between arsons that their off-duty coworkers set!

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