Dana Goes After Dreamers

Crazy Dana Rohrabacher - Photo Credit: Jack Gould / OC Weekly
Crazy Dana Rohrabacher - Photo Credit: Jack Gould / OC Weekly
Crazy Dana Rohrabacher – Photo Credit: Jack Gould / OC Weekly

This is hot of the press from Nancy Pelosi’s office. OC’s surfing Congressman continues to lead the pack when it comes to the thorny issue of immigration.

This afternoon, Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher went on a SteveKing-style, anti-immigration harangue on the House floor and had this to say about undocumented immigrants and DREAMers:


People who are here illegally should go home…It’s better for them to do that.  So this has been a really a potential threat when we talk about family reunification and the rest, because there is a potential to triple the number of people who are currently here in this country illegally.  If…we legalize the status of those who are here illegally, we could be tripling the number of people and inserting this number of people into our system.  This abrupt population swell will fundamentally change America…causing major consequences…because…our population will mainly be poorer people.  People at the lowest end of the economic we will be importing tens of millions of poor people.


“…We’ll have many more DREAMers coming here if we legalize the status of those who have been brought here illegally by their parents…”  [CSPAN, 5/1/2014, 2:14 p.m.]


What’s his solution to solving the broken immigration system?  


Don’t give jobs and benefits that belong to the American people to foreigners who are here illegally.  That’s the solution.  [Undocumented immigrants] will go home.  They will go home in peace.  They have our well wishes.  [CSPAN, 5/1/2014, 2:14 p.m.]


  1. Sure they could—illegal criminals who shouldn’t be voting anyway except for leftists protecting them from having credential verified. Other than that, why let illegal criminals take jobs for honest citizens?

  2. Well, I got news for you Advocatus, the Orange County Lincoln Club is involved in allowing companies in Orange County to hire illegal immirgants from Mexico and Central America. The political right has lied for years they don’t want to stop the cheap labor if they did then Texas would have less illegal immigrants than New York but Texas has a million more Forget the F right wing Republicans that promote Texas which has seen the greatest increases in immigrants form both Mexioc and Central America the past two years not California. Hispanic pew 2012 Texas gain 50,000 immigrants and California lost 50,000. Adocatus new language tell the right to go to hell as well.

  3. If the GOP was serious about immigration reform they should have started about 30 years ago. Instead, they fostered a system that encourages the creation of cheap labor and never holds accountable the real culprits: Housing and hospitality industries that rely on this workforce. Why do undocumented workers continue to pay federal and state taxes without the opportunity to collect benefits and why do business cater to them with bi-lingual services, as they have since the ’80s?

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