OC Labor Federation Issues 2014 Primary Election Endorsement Recommendations

OC-Labor-FedOn Thursday evening, the delegates of the Orange County Labor Federation approved the endorsement recommendations from the C.O.P.E. committee for the 2014 Primary election contests in Orange County. The recommendations approved last night for state and federal offices will be submitted to the California Labor Federation for final consideration at its Pre-Primary Convention on April 10th in Oakland where the recommendations will be voted on by the California Labor Federation delegates.


Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, 46th CD
Drew Leavens, 45th CD
Dr. Suzanne Savary, 48th CD Dual Endorsement
Robert Banuelos, 48th CD  Dual Endorsement**
Peter Anderson, 39th CD**
Dave Peiser, 49th CD**

Jose Solorio, 34th SD

Analia Ali, 74th AD
Joel Block, 72nd AD**
Anne Cameron, 68th AD
Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva, 65th AD
Wendy Gabriella, 73rd AD
Tom Daly, 69th AD

Jim Moreno, OC Board of Supervisors, District 2
Rudy Gaona, OC Board of Supervisors, District 4
Gary Pritchard, OC Clerk-Recorder
Mike Dalati, OC Auditor-Controller

Ira Glasky, Irvine Unified School Board

Joanne Motoike, OC Superior Court, Office #27
Kenneth “KC” Jones, OC Superior, Court Office #14

**Endorsement pending completion of Candidate Academy

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly indicated that the recommendations were final, when the recommendations are submitted for approval at the California Labor Federation Convention on April 10th. Also, we incorrectly noted named candidates as receiving no endorsement. In fact, no recommendation was made on those individual candidates, so we have removed these from the listing as there is no recommendation moving forward. We regret any confusion this may have caused.