Former state assemblyman and former 4th district Supervisor Chris Norby was arrested Wednesday night on charges of domestic violence and child endangerment according to the Orange County Register.
From the Register’s story:
Police late Wednesday night were not able to provide any additional details regarding the allegations that led to Norby’s arrest. He was released on a $10,000 bond, Stuart said.
In a phone interview late Wednesday, Norby said his arrest was the result of “false accusations” made by his wife. He declined to go into specifics, but described himself as a victim.
This is the second time Police have been involved in a case between he Norbys. In 2010, Police investigated a report of an argument between Norby and his wife with a witness telling the cops that “a man had pushed a woman.” Norby aditted he and his wife had an argument but denied pushing her. Norby’s wife Martha also denied being pushed and the case was dropped by the DA’s office.