Final Drinking Liberally Event at Memphis This Thursday

Santaora Building in Santa Ana Artists Village
Santaora Building in Santa Ana Artists Village
Santaora Building in Santa Ana Artists Village

dlbottlememphis2As Dan wrote previously, Memphis at the Santora in Santa Ana is closing. Our favorite restaurant and bar has been the host location for our weekly Drinking Liberally gatherings since August of 2006. We will be celebrating almost 7 1/2 years of liberal conversation and fun this Thursday, February 6th. The conversation starts at 8:30 pm, but we strongly suggest you get there early and have dinner as well.

Memphis at the Santora is located at 201 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, CA. We hope to see you there.


  1. Marla,

    At this time I have not determined a future location for Drinking Liberally Santa Ana. I’m also looking for someone to host as my schedule has become complicated.

    There is another group that meets in Rancho Santa Margarita.

    When? Every Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm
    Where? Canyon Fireside Grille, 22312 El Paseo (On the patio)
    Hosted by Gary Kephart | Bill Stephenson
    Visit the Chapter Site at

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