Gay Pride in Irvine, But Wrong Flag Used

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Generally speaking, Irvine is a pretty tolerant city and home to OC’s most diverse population.  When it comes to LGBT issues, we still have a ways to go.

The DailyKos jumped on a story from OC Weekly a neighbor flying a multi-colored flag in the city’s Orangetree neighborhood; neighbors complained to the homeowner’s association about Dr. Mary Pham flying “a fag flag.”

After the Weekly broke the story, and things got more heated with Pham filing a police report.

From the DailyKos: Pham continued to fly the flag. But she understandably became more nervous about it. Upon the advice of the executive director of her local LGBT center, Pham filed a police report, just in case. Then, the neighbor reactions became more hostile. A Westboro Baptist Church flyer was printed out and left at her door, and a flyer was left on her windshield that said “GOD HATES FLAGS.”

Pham decided to fight back in an awesome way.  She used the Christmas season and lights to turn her home into a giant Gay pride beacon.

While we admire Pham’s moxie, her neighbor’s intolerance also exposed a little ignorance.  The multi-colored flag with the word PACE” on it is actually an Italian flag for world peace.


And here’s the official Gay Pride flag.


Are Pham’s neighbors really against World Peace? With Utah joining a boatload of other states legalizing gay marriage, I’m hoping my Irvine neighbors show a little more tolerance for LGBT couples and those who support them.