Gavin Huntley-Fenner, an Irvine Unified School Trustee for nine years, is resigning from the board citing increased demands on his time from his very successful consulting business.
Here’s the announcement from IUSD followed by excerpts from Huntley-Fenner’s comments: “Many of you will recognize that I have always aspired to be a highly visible and hands-on leader. Recently, with the growth of my business and ongoing demands at home, I find that I am unable to sustain the level of engagement Irvine Unified deserves while continuing to meet my other obligations.
In the end, this decision is based on a standard of commitment for public service. Rest assured it is not related to dissatisfaction with my fellow governing team members or the Irvine Unified staff. On the contrary, I have experienced immense personal satisfaction from my responsibilities as a district leader and from the close relationships I have established with many of you.
Although it is difficult to step away, in large part because I enjoy working with all of you, I am able to leave now because I am confident that IUSD is well positioned to build on its strengths. We have capable, energetic and visionary leadership in Superintendent Terry Walker. Our new school board members are off to a fabulous start. Irvine Unified has come through the worst recession in recent memory on solid financial footing. Moreover, we have tremendous opportunities ahead, along with new revenue from the state’s Local Control Funding Formula and Irvine’s own Measure BB.
Huntley-Fenner ran for City Council as a independent last Fall finishing behind Lynn Schott and P.K. Wong as voters seemed to gravitate towards those candidates associated with a ticket (Shea won the only open seat on the council and had Larry Agran won the Mayor’s race, Schott would have made it.
Gavin is an asset to Irvine and has been instrumental in maintaining the excellence IUSD schools are known for across the county and across the state. While he’ll be leaving elected office, he certainly isn’t going away. I’m proud to call Gavin a friend.