Rep. John Campbell to retire in 2014

Congressman John Campbell

From Rep. John Campbell’s Press Office:

Washington – This evening, on Hugh Hewitt’s nationally syndicated radio show, U.S. Representative John Campbell (CA-45) announced his intention to retire from public service next year at the end of the 113th Congress.

Congressman John Campbell
Congressman John Campbell

Representative Campbell, first elected to the U.S. Congress in 2005 through a special election held to replace former Representative Christopher Cox, will have served five terms when he retires in 2014. Campbell, the Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade, currently represents California’s 45th district.

Upon making his announcement, Representative Campbell authorized the following statement to be released immediately:

I have decided that I will not seek re-election to represent California’s 45th Congressional district in 2014. At the end of this term, I will have spent 14 years serving in full-time, elected politics. I am not nor did I ever intend to be a career politician. I am ready to begin a new chapter in my life.

It has been an honor and a privilege to represent the district where my wife and I have raised our children. I look forward to continuing that representation for the balance of the 113th Congress. I have been blessed to have the unwavering support of my family, friends, and the residents of Orange County throughout these years, and for that I will remain forever grateful.

My passion for the conservative issues for which I have fought so vocally over that span has not waned. But in the future, I will continue the fight for more freedom and a less authoritarian government as a private citizen rather than elected official.

Drive fast and live free.

I remain respectfully,

Member of Congress


  1. What a monumental announcement. Can’t wait to hear all the names that are going to be floated out for this seat…

  2. It would be nice for us to hear the entire story on Rep. Campbell. 🙂 As a political scientist, it looks to me like Campbell drifted too far to the left. For example, a conservative Republican primary challenger – John Webb – denied Campbell the support of the local OC GOP.

    One of Webb’s best arguments is that Campbell did not really represent the interests of his conservative district – particularly regarding the role of gays in the military. I think an explanation of the role Webb played two years ago is needed to fully understand what is going on with Rep. Campbell’s decision.

    Meanwhile, I do not think it will be easy for Mimi Walters to win this seat. There is a lot of bad news about her and her husband in the press right now. This should be an interesting race and a real opportunity for a Tea Party candidate to make a difference.

  3. Repeal Dodd-Frank reinstate Glass-Steagall 1933-1999.

    Let’s ask Congressman Campbell to co-sponsor HR 129 to reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act; and ask all candidates if they would be a co-sponsor if they were the incumbent Congress-member.
    He is on the Financial Services, Joint Economic, and Budget committees. If there is to be a reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act the legislation will have come out of a relevant committee, namely the Financial Services Committee.
    Both political parties support Wall Street speculation & gambling, and various bail-out schemes, – Republicans openly, Democrats deceptively.

    What’s Glass-Steagall?

  4. Campbell is a spoiled brat who bought himself into congress and now
    he tires of it – he never did shit for his constituents.

  5. Congratulations to the OC GOP Cent. Com.! I am sure that the GOP Central Committee’s rejection of Campbell played a role in his decision to retire.

  6. Dr Drew, you must be to the right of the Tea Party if you think that John Campbell has drifted too far to the left!

  7. Is Congressman Campbell smart to retire from a very safe Republican District?

    He is on the Budget, Financial Services, and Joint Economic Committees; and might have received a ‘behind-closed-briefing’ that the Bank for International Settlements’ policy for the European Union will also be the policy for America. He might now realize that Congress is irrelevant.

    “Is the BIS Suggesting A Policy of Euthanasia for All?”
    July 1, 2013 • 10:26AM

  8. Let’s hope the DPOC can come up with better candidates than Beth Krom and Shukee Kang for this seat!

    The COMPLETE and TOTAL failure of the party (local) to compete makes us the MIAMI MARLINS of California!

    Hire a Heavy hitter, draft Joe Dunn, SHUT DOWN the crazy “let’s go Latino at any cost (ie. Julio Perez, Michele Martinez, David Benavides) and pick a WINNER.

    This is a competitive seat.

  9. Everyone knows that the only reason Kang and Krom ran was a combination of personal egotism and an attempt to funnel federal money into Irvine

  10. Rep. Campbell was the only member of Congress who was denied the early support of the OC GOP Central Committee. It was clear from the mood in the room that a substantial number of conservative activists were very disappointed by Rep. Campbell. Personally, I’m glad to see him go…

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