Omar Avalos Gallegos continues one man campaign to bring Chivas to Santa Ana

Chivas USA

Chivas USA

Spoiler alert: Chivas USA isn’t coming to Santa Ana and the city hasn’t done anything to try and lure the team to relocate to Orange County in more than a year.  City Hall officials continue to deny *any* activity to build a new stadium for the MLS franchise or refurbish Eddie West Stadium for a short term move while a new stadium is built.  Chivas USA to Santa Ana is dead.

So Call Santa Ana Sentinel blogger Omar Avalos Gallego’s “Jason” for continuing reviving talk that a Chivas USA move to Santa Ana should happen for so many reasons.  Avalos Gallegos also writes for the Soccer Newsday blog on Chivas and recently posted an explanation on the poor home attendance for the club compared with the solid road attendance — bearing in mind he never really addresses the average attendance in the “away” cities.

He writes, on May 24 this year:  An ideal situation for Chivas has a stadium right in the middle of a town with the demographics that it tries to appeal to. That stadium has to be within a walking distance of that market. Carson, Calif., has a population of 91,714, of which 35,417 (39%) are Latino, according to the 2010 census, and so it is not the most ideal location.

Other hypothetical stadium locations for Chivas USA that have been mentioned are East Los Angeles College, in the City of Monterey Park, which has an Asian majority population of 48%. Pomona, Calif., seems pretty much out of the picture at this point, as no news has come of a possible move there. It has a population of 149,056 of which 71% is Latino, so a move there is understandable but not enough political will exists to move Chivas there. At least, nothing has surfaced recently.

Another city mentioned in the past is Santa Ana, south of Los Angeles proper, which has a population of 324,528 of which 78% is Latino. No city has been as openly proactive about housing Chivas as Santa Ana. A move there makes nothing but sense, especially when coupling this city with nearby Anaheim, which also has a population of over 300,000 and 53% of its population is Latino.

Chivas USA already has players from these 2 cities that have played for the club at different levels. Carlos Borja is from Anaheim, former Sueño MLS winner Jorge Villafaña is from there too and played in Santa Ana as a kid. Daniel Antúnez is from Santa Ana, and recent Sueño MLS winner Armando Flores, who plays in the Chivas USA Academy is also from Santa Ana.

But the notion that no other city has been as openly proactive about housing Chivas is flat out inaccurate.  The city hasn’t had any real communications with Chivas USA is 15 months.  What Avalos Gallegos wants is MLS pro soccer down the street from him so he can avoid spending on gas, paying $15 to park and then buying tickets.  His other misperception is that pro soccer only appeals to Latinos.  Soccer fans cross all manner of race, creeds and colors, plus ages and gender too.  Chivas name problem with attendance won’t be improved by how Latino the city is that it decides to move to; attendance will get better when the team improves.  They just fired their coach and are flirting with the bottom rung of the MLS ladder.  I’d be happy to go see Chivas games if they were competitive.  They really aren’t.

The argument Avalos continues to make is that Chivas is a home for local players.  And while there are a couple of players from Anaheim and Santa Ana, that isn’t enough to draw a crowd.  City officials are tired of telling us over and over again, the Chivas deal is dead. But Avalos Gallegos did write that the deal “was not off the table” while debating the figurative or literal meaning of his words without an explanation.  We invite him to explain what he means, because Santa Ana City officials say any deal with the city and Chivas is dead.

So rest assured. No Chivas in Santa Ana unless its in a Scotch bottle.



  1. Ok, I decided to amuse myself today by visiting the TLOC and stumbled upon this flat out wrong interpretation and accusation by Dan C.

    1. Dan C. won’t ever go to a Chivas game because he’s a galaxy fan.

    2. Dan C., like many others, doesn’t comprehend the Chivas philosophy of developing local players. That philosophy applies from Guadalajara, all the way here.

    3. All I’m doing is analyzing a situation but you are bent on pestering.

    4. For more analysis, read this, another from another site I’m now contributing to and interpret (misinterpret) that. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

    • 1. I have attended Chivas games; lousy team, lousy coaching, fans seem disinterested.
      2. If the local players are MLS worthy, cool….but I don’t care where they are from. For the record, this philosophy works best with minor leagues not a major like MLS. For example, not a lot of hockey players in Nashville or South Florida, yet the Predators and Panthers still draw fans. Not a ton of kids from New York make the major leagues, but the Yankees manage to draw a crowd. The concept of developing local players as a draw for attendance is a failure as evidenced by the anemic number of fans in the nearly empty StubHub stadium for Chivas games. And the team’s crappy record.
      3. Your analysis is flawed and your are incapable of accepting any critique. The idea that people go to a home game to see the visiting team is flawed too; I go to Angels games. I don’t care who they are playing. I go to Galaxy games; I don’t care who they play. Root, root, root for the Home team…..

      And can we please stop playing the race card here? The last soccer team I coached (a girl’s team no less), I had Chinese, Persian, African American, Hispanic and Causian kids on the team. At least four of my players were mixed race. Turns out everyone loves pizza parties after a Saturday afternoon game. If there is racism at play here, it’s you.

  2. Oh, and Dan C. Joins the chorus of racially intolerant soccer “fans” around Major League Soccer that have a problem with the Chivas name. FYI for as long as the club is called CHIVAS it will need the demographics to go with it.

    So why don’t you do another one of your write ups arguing in favor of rebranding, selling, taking over Chivas like so many racist MLS soccer “fans” because that’s what your pestering is really all about. After all, you’re a galaxy fan.

    So don’t sit ther posing as if you really care about voting matters in Anaheim or what MLK said fifty years ago. You can’t even tolerate a simple thing like a soccer team named CHIVAS.

    • 1. I have no problem with the name Chivas; I am not racially intolerant. You seem to think that only Latinos are soccer fans; that isn’t so.
      2. When are you going to own up to the fact Santa Ana isn’t going after Chivas and because it simply can’t afford to; you keep insisting the deal isn’t off the table and play word games about what you meant.
      3. It’s not what MLK said 50 years ago, but what JFK said 50 years ago; get your Civil Rights leaders straight please. We’re covering the voting matters in Anaheim just fine and I’m editing the stories about our coverage, so please get your facts straight.
      4. Yes, I’m a Galaxy fan. I like teams that play great soccer and manage to fill seats. I could care less about a player’s race, creed, color, sexual identity, nation of origin or where they grew up; are they a team player and hustle. That’s my standard.

  3. Your view of the galaxy model is flawed. They are, in fact, not representative of LA demographics. They don’t share your “non-racist” vision. The galaxy at first deliberately tried to connect with Mexican soccer fans in LA by hiring Jorge Campos and Luis Hernández, and now they deliberately don’t want that market, proven by the fact that they haven’t hired a Mexican player since those two. They very much market to a West LA and are most certainly not representative of all of LA.
    That’s why there’s a Jack McBean (Newport Beach product) and not a Carlos Borja (Anaheim) working there. That’s why they hire UK players to appeal to whites. It’s more than obvious so do away with your self-righteous, wishful thinking.

    • Are the Dodgers representative of LA demographics? How about the Lakers and Clippers? Want about the Kings? The Galaxy hire UK players to appeal to whites? Wow that’s is an amazingly racist thing to say. They hire UK players because the players are good. Maybe if Chivas USA signed some Eurpean players, they would improve. Or at least be more competitive. Stop viewing sport through the prism of race. Every time you make a point, you demonstrate your racism and lack of knowledge that most fans could care less about the ethnic make up of their team.

  4. Oh, and Guadalajara’s use of locally developed players, at the “major league,” or Primera División, completely debunks your view that local products are for minor league teams.

    Guadalajara used that model to win 11 record Mexican championships. They used that model to play the final in the American continent’s most important tournament, the Copa Liberatdores.

    FYI, but maybe I don’t have to remind you since your such a soccer connoisseur, Liga MX is still a better league than MLS. Now, how does the Guadalajara model do so well (not to mention the players that they’ve produced for the Mexican national team), in a more competitive “major” league.

    Mm hmm

    • and Chivas USA’s piss poor record on the field and lousy attendance debunks your premise of “it worked there so it should work here.” They stink. I can smell them all the way from Carson.

      Liga MX is a better league? In what respect? Its a Great league in Mexico; how would it fare in Europe? How would it fare in South America? Soccer is soccer.

  5. In what respect? hahaha. I thought you were the connoisseur. Fact: Monterrey won 3 consecutive CONCACAF Champions League titles. You know, the CCL, which pits MLS teams with Liga MX teams so they.

    Fact: Mexican clubs have historically dominated CONCACAF tournaments. Cruz Azul and América have 5 CCL titles. Add them up, then tell me what is “piss poor.” Galaxy, 1. DC United 1.

    The philosophy at Chivas is not to spend big. It’s the same reason people hate big spenders (Yanks, galaxy, soon-to-be NYC FC).

    Oh, and Liga MX in South America? Ok, let’s go there.

    Cruz Azul: Libertadores Finalist.

    Chivas de Guadalajara: Libertadores Finalist.

    Club América: Copa Sudamericana Finalist


    Mexico: COPA AMÉRICA 2-time Finalist.

    I won’t even start with Confederations and FIFA youth cups, you know, FIFA tournaments that involve THE WORLD, not just South America.

    As far as my local Chivas team goes, they’re in a rebuilding process. You certainly must know soccer developmental processes, being that you’re such a connoisseur. Oh wait, not you don’t. You root for big spending clubs. You’re probably a yankee fan too huh? No surprise.

    When this club starts to succeed with its model, you will eat your words.

    • Thanks for the listing of teams in Liga MX and South America; I’ll note one champion and a bunch of losers.

      I care about as much for FIFA Youth Cups as I do minor league baseball.

      Yes I am a Yanklees fan (when they aren’t playing the Angels), and I like the Lakers too…I see nothing wrong with teams spending on talent to win. That same philosophy applies to the business world too.

      Chivas USA has been rebuilding for years now…I wish them well but don’t think their model will be successful. Facts are on my side here.

  6. Furthermore, and to end this discussion and get back on topic, I never stated in my article that they should move to Santa Ana. I analyzed a situation, and only stated the truth about former talks, and, that a hypothetical move to a place like Santa Ana makes sense for that club. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.

    But you have a terrible time processing that, don’t you?

    Just as in the link to the Goat Parade I posted here, I analyzed the situation at the Coliseum area. You’re whole pestering is obvious and it’s just that. You’re defaming me by spinning what I wrote to say that I’m single-handedly intending to move Chivas here.

    Besides, If I make another deliberate statement to bring them to Santa Ana, like I’ve done before, I’ll make sure to pass that onto you.

    Until the next time I read the Spin Machine, I mean, Liberal OC.

    • Actually, you wrote the deal was still on the table and then you played “words with friends” about what you meant over what you wrote. You continue to insist no other city has done as much as Santa Ana when that’s not true either is it.

      You analyzed a situation and failed on a number of fronts; the first of which is the city’s ability to financially attract the franchise, the high cost of refurbishing Eddie West for temporary play and building a new MSL-approved stadium from Scratch. And yes, while Santa Ana has 78 percent of the population as Latino, the city has the lowest per capita family income in OC which doesn’t make for a solid ticket buying market. Especially since you made the case that a family driving to Carson has to spend on gas and parking would be tough. If I want analysis on classical flamenco guitar, you’ll be my go to guy. But for matters of the business of pro sports and marketing in general, not so much. So no a move by Chivas to Santa Ana doesn’t make sense for a number of reasons and since the city hasn’t had interactions with the club in more than 16 months, I’d say you’re the one having trouble processing it.

  7. Read your own writing aloud. “Maybe if Chivas USA signed European players they would improve.” You really don’t see the inherent racism in that statement, do you?

    It’s understandable given your self-righteous, infallible state.

    Fact: Chivas USA have hired Euro players in the past and for what? Nothing. But you think Europeans will make them competitive. lol

    Now, go write out your statement, “Every time you make a point, you demonstrate your racism and lack of knowledge,” 20x each, then repeat aloud in the mirror.

  8. There you go, as expected. “Fold the team, break it, etc etc.” Typical. How utterly typical.

    Ever heard of a frivolous lawsuit?

    Hey, by the way, do you happen to know where you’re located? You, know Spanish has been spoken in these parts since 1769 but those two plaintiffs didn’t get the message. But you do. Oh wait, no, you live in an escapist community like Irvine, an island away from the reality of Southern California, where Spanish is regularly spoken, and where Spanish language tv broadcasts have the highest ratings.

    You just think you’re so damn smart don’t you?

    Those plaintiffs only happened to work for bicultural, international organization of Mexican capital. Fools. They’re going to loose.

    You and others fail to see the multicutural side of this organization. Your spin comes before reason.

    Process this:

    To that I must say this: Major League Soccer conducts business in Spanish as do many of its clubs. The Los Angeles metropolis has the 2nd largest concentration of people of Mexican descent after Mexico City. I live in the LA region where speaking Spanish is normal, but the plaintiffs apparently missed the signs.

    Chivas Sporting President Dennis Te Klose is Dutch-born and speaks English, Spanish and Dutch, the same is true of Van der Most. Director of Soccer Francisco “Paco” Palencia speaks Spanish and English, as does Chivas USA President and Chief Business Officer José David. The fact of the matter is that Chivas USA is, at least, a bicultural organization by default.

    The plaintiffs will find it difficult to paint Chivas USA as racist or discriminatory when within its business culture, English and Spanish, which are the two dominant languages of commerce for this and many other clubs, have always been used for daily operations. There is plenty of evidence pointing to the contrary to what the plaintiffs say. Some have identified this as a frivolous lawsuit after considering the non-Latinos that work there, and that are part of the club from the youth level all the way up.

    For example, the plaintiffs say that Chivas prefers players of Mexican descent at the academy level. How do they explain Bilal Abdallah, Caleb Calvert, Tommy Fraher, Ryo Fujii, Bradford Jamieson, Malcom Jones and Michael Suchy, who all play for the Chivas U16s (who blew away the competition in the US Development Academy League) and James Alewine II, Brian Kennedy, and Jake McGuire, who play for the U18s? Can they really pin the racist argument on Chivas when they have Kennedy, Patrick McLain and Tim Melia on payroll?

    Full link:

    • 1. I said no such thing; I did say the team was being sued.
      2. Yes I have.
      3. Yes I do know where I am; there are a number of languages spoken in Irvine including English, Spanish, Farsi, Arabic, Korean, several types of Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Hindi and pockets of German and French; I think it’s wonderful my kid’s local high school teaches French along with Spanish– high school kids are offered a class trip to Spain. Irvine is hardly escapist and is amazingly diverse. High TV ratings on Spanish language TV is pretty irrelevant to me; I don’t watch all that much.
      4. Yes I do.
      5. You mean, “They’re going to lose” not “loose.” That’s for a judge to decide.
      6. Many major sports franchises use English and Spanish; French and Russian are often spoken in the NHL. But the NHL doesn’t go out of its way to cater to French-speaking Canadians. Latinos make up about 48 percent of LA county’s 10 million people with 80 percent of those residents Mexican; whites are 28 percent. Asians at 13 percent; where you see one race, I see incredible diversity. As far as processing the rest of it, Chivas USA is still in violation of MLS policy by not having an English broadcast for their games; perhaps I missed the non-discriminatory nature of that policy.

      As far as the rest of it, blah, blah, blah — I don’t care of the Angels Class A team wins the pennant if the parent club stinks. And they (Chivas USA) do. The fans know it or they’d come to the games. Well, I bet Sunday they draw a good crowd because they are the home team against the Galaxy. I bet the fans make it seem like a Galaxy home game.

  9. Way to sidestep every direct question sent your way. You join the chorus of racists, coming to a conclusion based on an allegation, with your suggestive writing then you say “that’s for a judge to decide?!” So I have to remind you of innocence before proven guilt? Listen to yourself!

    This is nothing but the petty quarreling of a galaxy fan bent on pestering me. I’m the one giving you something to write about.

    And to put you back on point, anyone following the Chivas stadium issue carefully and properly knows that building in LA is closer to reality for them. It’s exhaustively documented at this point but your insistence on trying to write about this topic reveals your absolute ignorance of this matter.

    LA is the first choice for Chivas but they haven’t ruled out other locations in Southern California. This has been stated repeatedly but you’re supposed to be some authoritative, pontificating know it all commenting on the matter when all you really are is a cyber-bullying pest. Liberal poser driving some beach-bum looking SUV. Yeah, that’s really “liberal.”

    For the record, IF they don’t get a stadium in LA and IF they decide to look at Santa Ana, you bet your last dollar that I will work to build support and bring them here.

    Now read these pieces and learn to tell the difference in tone. This is a direct call to move them here for the stated reasons.

    In this piece I make no such call

    In this piece I analyze a stadium possibility for them at Expo Park, which you still haven’t commented on.

    This paints objective reporting. I’ll tell you and everybody like I told my editor. I didn’t write about Expo Park to try to influence the conversation about where they should go but you made an assumption (not surprised) didn’t you?

    Now I’ll demonstrate, once more as I’ve done time and time again, who the better man is by letting you have the last say, because that’s what your cyber-bullying pontificating self wants. That’s all that your pestering is about and not only with me, but with all of your commenters.

  10. “So I have to remind you of innocence before proven guilt?” It’s a civil case genius, not criminal…so no one is guilty or innocent, it’s a matter of presenting facts and applying it to law. No one is going to jail here.

    I completely recognize Chivas USA prefers a location in Los Angeles, but I’ not the one repeatedly writing that the team needs to come to Santa Ana, why a move to Santa Ana makes sense, and that to quote you. “the deal isn’t off the table.” All this a full year after the city and the club ceased all talks.

    Cyber bullying? No. Calling you out on BS. Yes. Have a great day. Now where is the “Back to Back Galaxy Champions” shirt of mine?

  11. The Los Angeles metro area has the 2nd largest concentration of Mexican people outside Mexico City and yet Chivas barely gets 8200 to attend its lousy matches despite all the free tickets handed out in Santa Ana and surrounding areas. Hey Omar, keep hanging out in the gentrified bars in the Artist Village and writing lousy soccer articles and you’ll never be able to move out of Mommy’s house.

  12. To the anonymous coward, I don’t waste time or money in the downtown. But certainly, whoever should be asking for their daddy is Claudio, then Phil for their resemblance to Dan is striking.

    I have zero shame living in this five bedroom home, a home more than large enough for two couples, one that I take care for because it’s willed to me. You don’t buy into homes like this anymore. And glad, that I don’t have fly cross country and leave a miserable dwelling or life. I’m not that New Yorker wanting a piece of Southern California.

    I got my breaks working for SAC and UCI in my early 20s and I didn’t have to leave. I don’t even want to leave this area because this is where I belong.

    • I think that comment about flying across country was directed at me somehow; I lived in New York and New England…wonderful parts of the country. My house in Boston was new construction, so it wasn’t miserable at all; snow is awful or great depending on what you plan to do in it. And those autumn leaves, wow.

      So your fiancé has agreed to move into your parents home? I have no idea how old your folks are, but if you’re getting married soon and they plan to be around to enjoy grandchildren, you might want a place of your own. But living with the parents is popular in Santa Ana I guess. Be honest, you live with them out of economic necessity.

  13. Speaking of wastes of time and the downtown, I learned that acquainting with Dan, Phil, Claudio there was and is a waste of time . The only person in that group who is and has always been a real gentleman and shown class is Chris.

    Taking my fiancée for dinner at my favorite spot Memphis is NOT a waste of time or money–incidentally, I’ve been consuming at Memphis far longer than these undesirables Dan, Phil and co–but acquainting with these undesirables amounts to nothing more than a waste of time.

    A drink at Proof or anywhere in the downtown with Phil is a waste. A drink with any combination of these “liberal oc” sympathizers at Memphis is a waste.

    I’ve been far too generous in giving of my time to Dan C, a veritable attention whore.

  14. Omar. When your arguement fails you resort to name calling.Typical. The only waste of time is responding to your racist diatribes that you were brainwashed into believing in your MEChA lunchtime group back at your high school. Your incoherent racist jibberish only serves to keep good people from coming to Downtown Santa Ana to spend money, buy art, open a business or purchase a home. Now run along as I’m sure your mommy has washed, fluffed and folded your favorite Che shirt.

  15. Nice to know that there are two other soccer aficionados in the OC blog-sphere. I posted an article about soccer in the OJB last week. Let’s see who wins tomorrow classic. Arriba Las Chivas! or Galaxy….

    • Galaxy 1-0; they’ve struggled on offense as of late but Chivas looked like a high school team out there. I’m still amazed by the play of the US team and surprised by the poor play of Mexico a year away from the World Cup. I just hope the political unrest in Brazil is toned down by next year; Brazil just destroyed Italy.

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