Environmentalist Author Bill McKibben Comes to Orange County June 19th

Bill McKibben, the author of more than a dozen books on the environment and the first journalist to publish a book about climate change for a general audience, will be speaking in Laguna Woods next month.  The event is sponsored by Concerned Citizens of Laguna Woods Village, the American Association of University Women-Laguna Woods Village Chapter, the Laguna Woods Democratic Club, the Energy Club and the and the National Council of Jewish Women.

McKibben wrote The End of Nature in 1989 and founded the grassroots climate change campaign 350.org which has coordinated 15,000 rallies amnd 189 countries since 2009.  He is hailed by Time Magazine and the Boston Globe as one of the nation’s most important environmentalists.  He speaks on Wednesday, June 19 at 1:30 PM at the Laguna Woods Village Clubhouse #5.

So why are we posting this almost a month out from the event?  paging the Register’s Mark Landsbaum, he of the “Global Warming oops” columns and editorials where the paper tries to debunk Global warming and climate change.  If Landsbaum wants to stand by his columns, his contentions and his words, he ought to be there and hear what McKibben has to say and even debate him on the merits.

If you want to attend this event, you’ll need to contact the Laguna Woods Village Association to register,.  The flyer I received at the Progressive Democrats of America meeting last night didn’t have an email address or a website for the event, so I’m hoping one of our readers will post that information below.



1 Comment

  1. Obama Promotes Genocide so Environmentalists Can Get Their Biofuel High

    “Bill Against Biofuels, To Save Food and Farming, Filed in Congress, Backed by 40 Organizations”
    April 12, 2013 • 11:18AM

    To amend the Clean Air Act to eliminate certain requirements under the renewable fuel program, to prohibit the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from approving the introduction into commerce of gasoline that contains greater than 10-volume-percent ethanol, and for other purposes.

    32 Republican co-sponsors (10 Democrat)
    5% chance of getting past committee.
    1% chance of being enacted.

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