Benavides in the Mail in Santa Ana

We have received two mailers for the election in Santa Ana in support of Mayoral candidate David Benavides and others in Santa Ana.

The first one comes from the Orange County Labor Federation on behalf of their endorsed Santa Ana candidates David Benavides for Mayor; Vincent Sarmiento, Eric Alderete and Roman Reyna for City Council; Valerie Amezcua and Myriam Tinajero for Santa Ana Unified School Board, and Nelida Yanez for Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee (Area 3).

The second comes from the Benavides campaign.


  1. Art Pedroza at the New Santa Ana Blog posted this relative to the most recent Santa Ana mayoral debate.

    Pedroza will not post my answer to his list of “highlight and lowlights”.

    Pedroza’s lists is first followed by my response.

    Pedroza wrote:

    Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido was in complete control at tonight’s Santa Ana Mayoral candidate’s forum, which was held at Latino Health Access.

    Here are some of the evening’s highlights, or in some cases lowlights:

    David Benavides – Said he wants to put produce trucks out of business because they sell chips and sodas to kids. Never mind that they also sell fruit and vegetables…and that they service communities full of residents who aren’t allowed to drive and as such these trucks are a great convenience… And the truck owners are small businessmen who scrimped and saved so they could have their own business. Once again Benavides is a job killer!

    Miguel Angel Briseno – absolutely ripped the fraudulent and unfair Measure GG, which is being championed by Benavides. Briseno said that GG should have made the mayoral terms equal to the council terms but he pointed out how unfair it is in that it limits the Mayor to 8 years while allowing the Council Members to serve for 12 years.

    Lupe Moreno – the notorious Minuteman lived up to her billing. She told the young people at the forum that she is absolutely against the Dream Act and that she is for SB 1070. I can’t believe that Benavides honored this hateful woman in 2010 after she and her Minutemen took over the Santa Ana 4th of July event! In fact one of Moreno’s Minutemen called a Santa Ana resident a wetback at that event!

    George Collins – was nuttier than usual. When asked about Arizona’s racist SB 1070 law he said that immigrants are human traffickers. Then he admitted that he imported his own wife from Peru!

    Pulido spent all night talking about his many accomplishments and the projects he has worked on that have brought so much positive change to our city. When Benavides complained about high density apartments, Pulido had to remind him that it was thanks to Pulido that the city stopped allowing such developments. And it was Pulido, via his work on the OCTA’s Board of Directors, who played a major role in helping to expand our parks system and to improve our bike trails.


    -The majority of Santa Ana residents do not approve of the vendor trucks in their neighborhoods. I have been at meetings in the most affected low income high resident apartment complex neighborhoods where they have stated their dislike for the vendor trucks.

    The local brick and mortar business dislike the vendor trucks as they low ball prices because the vendor trucks do not have the high overhead associated with a business in a stationary building.

    The Register, LA Times, OC Weekly, Voice of OC and OC liberal have reported alleged Pulido financial benefit from the vendor truck Santa Ana business.

    – Pulido orchestrated Measure G that places term limits on the council and no limits on the Mayor……….how is this fair?

    – Moreno has supported Pulido for many years

    – Pedroza a few years back supported Moreno for SAUSD Board.

    – ” Pulido has stopped high density apartment complexes”

    Yet Pulido championed the Renaissance Development which planned for a large number of apartment complexes within existing high density neighborhoods , Lavy, Logan and the station District,………the highest density residential area in the USA. The community fought and till now has placed limts on this developement . A morphed plan …..the Station District Development is on line .

    – Pulido’s list of accomplishments are recent within the last 6 years with majority council approval. WHAT DID PULIDO HAVE TO OFFER IN LEADERSSHIP THE PREVIOUS 11 YEARS AS MAYOR?

    • Dr Lomeli,

      If I recall correctly, Art Pedroza was the Campaign Manager for Lupe Moreno in her run against CA Senator Lou Correa about 6 years ago.

      Also, while I completely and totally disagree with Lupe Moreno’s views on immigration and have strongly spoken up and written in opposition to her views and in some cases her hurtful words, Councilman Benavides was correct in recognizing ALL of the planning members of the Independence Day celebration.

      For this first event of July 2010 and subsequent Fourth of July Independence Day events, Lupe Moreno has always kept her personal and her political views of immigration OUT OF THIS and has always maintained the focus on the contributions and sacrifices of our Active Duty troops, our veterans and our veterans families. Except for the unfortunate and shameful words by a participant in this event, Lupe Moreno’s words and actions were positively focused on America and our veterans; and again except for those shameful comments by one individual everything was for the benefit our Santa Ana community.

      [While our veterans organization has actively participated in this 4th of July celebration in Santa Ana for the benefit of our kids and our community, and while I have participated in the planning as the Commander of our veterans organization for the past 3 years, I am stating my personal views here.]

      Francisco “Paco” Barragan

  2. Benavides didn’t do jack for his ward. Throughout all of his terms, the streets have turned into car sales lots. Sick of driving Mcfadden and seeing for sale signs along the south side, while near Raitt and McFadden an apartment unit parking is used for sales. Also, the parking lot of the park at McFadden and Center is also used as a car sales lot. These people don’t have business licenses, they don’t pay business taxes, etc, and it’s also an eyesore and an endangerment to children and families.

    • Pulido has positioned himself then and now as the leader of the city. Theses kind of issues is why you should not support Pulido. If now he wants votes based on he beign the leader of the city he should then be accountable for all the negatives of the city.

    • @ NDB you say, “These people don’t have business licenses”

      Mayor Pulido has engaged in “Consulting” WITHOUT a Business License through which he gets questionable “consulting” fees; He wanted to “earn” a $500,000 “Finder’s Fee”/commission without a Real Estate license in violation of CA’s Real Estate Law and in an improper abuse of his office, and thus unfairly disadvantaging other law abiding businesses.

      On top of that he has NOT PAID his personal income taxes, and HAS NOT PAID the taxes on his business, again unfairly disadvantaging other small businesses who have seen their taxes almost quadrupled in the DOWNTOWN Inc area and almost driving them out of business.

      Councilman David Benavides has been very accessible to the community listening and responding to the needs of the community; and has been a long-term key contributor to public safety, the education of our youth, and in creating opportunities for them and our citizens.

      Business, veterans and community leader

  3. It is truly a sad state of affairs when the Orange County Labor Federation endorses a person whose only interest in an elected post is for self aggrandizement (Mrs. Yanez)!

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