Last night’s final presidential debate showed that Mitt Romney’s foreign policy positions are all over the map. He has come full circle from being a candidate who during the primaries opposed almost ever position the President has taken, to a candidate who agrees with virtually everything the President has done. It must have been painful for Republicans to watch their candidate essentially saying “On Foreign policy, I’m with that guy [President Obama].”
In addition to taking an etch-a-sketch to his positions from his campaign for President Mitt Romney managed to fail simple geography when talking about the ties between Syria and Iran.
“Maybe one of the few bright spots in the Middle East developments in the last year has been the rising of the people in Syria against [President Bashar al-] Assad. Obviously, as you know, Syria is Iran’s only Arab ally in the region. Syria is the route that allows Iran to supply Hezbollah with weapons in Lebanon. Syria is Iran’s route to the sea.”
As you can see below, even Dora the Explorer could figure out that Iran has both southern and northern borders with seas.
Romney said at one point that Syria was Iran’s only ally in the region.
Hey Mr. Clueless, ever heard of Iraq? We occupied that country under false pretenses, then saw to it that the Sunni-led government was demolished and replaced with a Shia dominated one. And what is Iran? Ooops…it’s Shia as well. Making Iran and Iraq suddenly on very close terms.
Douchebag, clueless neocons.
Speaking of geography – has BHO visited all “57” states yet?
from FactCheck.org:
Claim: If any other of our presidents had stated that there were 57 states in the United States, wouldn’t you have had second thoughts about his capabilities?
True. Obama made the mistake of saying that he had visited 57 U.S. states during a presidential campaign appearance in Oregon in 2008. He clearly meant to say 47, but slipped up.
According to a Los Angeles Times blog item that highlighted the future president’s error, he said: “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it.”
I’m still wondering how Romney is going to create 12 million new jobs when he said government doesn’t create jobs. Does George Bush know what its like to put food on his family?
“Does George Bush know what its like to put food on his family?”
Why would Bush put food on his family?
Because he misspoke and said that instead of “put food on the table.”
@ Junior:
Pres. Obama, by a slip-of the tongue, mentioned 57 states that don’t exist, and don’t represent a threat to the security of the USA…but we know what he meant, especially since he is a Constitutional scholar.
For example, Last night moderator Schieffer also did an unfortunate slip-of-the-tongue…”OBAMA bin Laden”..and we know what he meant.
Candidate Romney misunderstood and ignored the close relationship between IRAQ and IRAN, which is a growing threat to the security of the US.
I think common sense dictates that we should be concerned about Romney’s misunderstanding & ignorance displayed by his comment, than by Pres Obama’s or Schieffer’s slip-of-the-tongue.
Please provide evidence that Romney “misunderstood” or was “ignorant” about the relationship between Iraq and Iran during the debate. You just made that up out of thin air.
Show me where either candidate said ANYTHING about the relationship between Iraq and Iran. I watched the debate and did not hear that specific relationship discussed.
Stop making s**t up Paco. I know you dems are desperate at this point but fabricating falsehoods does your side no good.
As I pointed out above, Romney said that Syria is the only ally Iran has in the region…which “misunderstands” or is “ignorant” about the strengthened relationship between Iran and Iraq in the wake of our ill-conceived invasion.
So you see, Paco didn’t make anything up at all.
Iraq is not an ally of Syria – period.
That’s not the point. The point is that Iraq is now an ally of Iran, whereas before our misguided invasion, it wasn’t.
Iraq is not an ally of Iran – that is silly.
Oh really?
you also ignore other evidence of an alliance between Iran and Iraq;
1) Prime Minister Nouri Al-Malik ….”for now he is enjoying Tehran’s hospitality. For him Tehran is the key to power.”
ow he is enjoying Tehran’s http://english.alarabiya.net/views/2012/05/02/211691.html
2) You ignore Muqtada Al-Sadr’s Iranian support …
3) you also ignore that the case for war with Iraq was made up with false information provided by Ahmed Chalabi, Iranian mole.
and Chalabi’s proxy: Curveball who is widely believed penetrated the CIA working for the Iranians.
Steve in right on his responses to you, and I concur with him.
To all of that I would add that Iran has been a threat originally only in conjunction with some IRAQUI FACTIONS at least as early as 2006, and subsequently Iran expanded its relationship with Iraq.
One of the biggest threats at a tactical level, has been the EFPs (Explosively Formed Projectiles) supplied by Iran to Iraqis to ambush American and Coalition forces.
To claim that Iraq is not an ally of Iran and vice-versa is to engage in “willful blindness” for the sake of partisan politics.
There may be certain Iraqi factions allied with Iran – that does not equate to Iraq being an ally of Iran.
There is economic, political and military cooperation between the two countries where before the invasion there was none. They’re allies.
There are factions in the US that didn’t agree with Britain’s involvement in Iraq…does that mean we’re not allies?