What are the 2012 Endorsements from the Democratic Party of Orange County?

As Orange County Democrats are preparing their vote-by-mail ballots, or finalizing their decisions, for the 2012 general election; I figured it might be helpful to share with you the Official Endorsements from the Democratic Party of Orange County.

Barack Obama

United States Senate
Dianne Feinstein

Yes on Proposition 30 – Protects funding for schools and local public safety
No on Proposition 31 – Permanent underfunding of education, health, and other vital services
No on Proposition 32 – Creates special exemptions for billionaires and Super PACs
No on Proposition 33 – Auto insurance rate hike
Yes on Proposition 34 – Repeals death penalty and replaces with life without parole
Yes on Proposition 35 – Increases penalties for human trafficking
Yes on Proposition 36 – Reforms “Three Strikes” law
Yes on Proposition 37 – Labeling of genetically engineered foods
No on Proposition 38 – Munger initiative
Yes on Proposition 39 – Tax adjustment to fund clean energy programs
Yes on Proposition 40 – Referendum on State Senate district boundaries

Unites States House of Representatives
District 39 – Jay Chen
District 45 – Sukhee Kang
District 46 – Loretta Sanchez
District 47 – Alan Lowenthal
District 48 – Ron Varasteh
District 49 – Jerry Tetalman

California State Senate
District 29 – Greg Diamond
District 37 – Steve Young

California State Assembly
District 55 – Gregg Fritchle 
District 65 – Sharon Quirk-Silva
District 68 – Christina Avalos
District 69 – Tom Daly
District 74 – Robert Rush

Aliso Viejo City Council

Anaheim City Council 
Anaheim City School Board 
Centralia School District
Arturo Montez
Coast Community College Trustee
Jerry Patterson
Fullerton City Council
Garden Grove City Council
Garden Grove School Board
Huntington Beach CIty Council
Irvine City Council
Irvine Mayor
Irvine Unified School Board
Laguna Beach City Council
Laguna Woods Mayor 
Cynthia Conners
Orange City Council 
Larry Labrado
Robert Douglas
Rancho Santiago Community College Area 1
Jose Solorio
Rancho Santiago Community College Area 3
Nelida Yanez
Rancho Santiago Community College Area 5
Mark McLoughlin
Santa Ana City Council Ward 1
Santa Ana City Council Ward 3
Santa Ana City Council Ward 5
Roman Reyna
Santa Ana Unified School District
Myriam Tinajero
Westminister City Council
Sergio Contreras
Santa Ana Mayor 
Santa Ana Unified School Board 
South Coast Water District, Director
Wayne Rayfield
Westminister Elementary School District
Jo-Ann Purcell
Westminister Mayor


  1. I would like to than Chris for providing the entire list of what not to vote for. Knowing what years of Democratic control has done for California it is good to know what will cause us more problems than we already have.

    Democrats love the ones that say fund or funding…..

    Stop the crazy spending and vote anything else…..

    • yeah right, those bush years were fabulous. what people need to do is scrutinize every issue and candidate and vote independently of any party recommendations. for example, 33 sounds like it benefits almost everyone, but ask yourself why an insurance company would spend that much money to help save you money. it makes no sense. same with 37, monsanto doesn’t care whether a prop is poorly written or illogical. they’re afraid that if people have the facts, they will lose customers.

  2. on the topic of school board and who to vote for…why would you support Cyril Yu? on what grounds? Lauren Brooks and Paul Bokota would be the candidates of choice. Having been involved in the schools as a volunteer, on PTA, and as a parent, I have seen how strong Paul and Lauren are in their knowledge of what works and what doe not in IUSD. They are the only ones who are educated in the way of Sacramento, will keep our schools fiscally responsible and will ensure that what is best for our children will be maintained. It is also important to understand that yes, it is wonderful that the City of Irvine support of our schools, the City should not be involved in any way in the running of the district.
    Paul Bokota, Lauren Brooks and Mike Parham have no other “political”agenda. They are there heart and soul for our children and are the strongest candidates running!

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