OCBC Backs Alderete for Santa Ana’s Ward 3 Council Seat

The Leading Orange County Business Organization, OCBC, Endorses Eric M. Alderete for Santa Ana City Council – Ward 3

Santa Ana, California – Eric M. Alderete’s campaign for Santa Ana City Council (Ward 3) received a vote of confidence from the business community.  Alderete announced today that the Orange County Business Council (OCBC) endorsed his candidacy for Ward 3.  The OCBC joins other recent endorsements by the Santa Ana Police Officers Association and Orange County Coalition of Police and Sheriffs.

“Eric M. Alderete’s experience as senior corporate counsel at a large company and past service on the California Small Business Board provides him with a strong skill set to guide Santa Ana’s future growth,” said Lucy Dunn, President and CEO of the Orange County Business Council.

“Eric serves as a solid advocate of the Business Council’s key initiatives, particularly on education and economic development. Eric is the clear choice to represent Ward 3,” said Dunn.

“It is a great honor to have the support of the leading voice of business on important issues locally, regionally and nationally. The OCBC is at the forefront of confronting issues and solutions for the business community that affects Santa Ana and Orange County’s economic growth and strength.” said Alderete

A strong advocate for economic development, public safety and education, Alderete is the Chairman of the Santa Ana Planning Commission and serves on the Board of Directors of the Santa Ana College Foundation. There, he has helped sustain the college’s Veterans Resource Center which provides academic counseling and guidance to military veteran students.  Alderete holds a Bachelor of Arts and law degrees from the University of California, Berkeley and a Master in City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He works as Vice President of a major Southern California company.

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