Mayor Pulido announces key endorsements for re-election bid

Miguel Pulido

Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido Announces Key Endorsements for his Re-Election Campaign

Mayor’s High Name Recognition, Plus Accomplishments & Key Endorsements will Lead Him to Victory


Santa Ana – Today Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido announced major endorsements in support of his re-election campaign this November. His new list of endorsements now includes:

  • State Assemblyman Jose Solorio
  • Santa Ana School Board President Rob Richardson
  • Santa Ana School Board Member Jose Hernandez
  • Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez
  • Former Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Lisa Bist
  • Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee Larry Labrado
  • Democratic Party of Orange County Chair Frank Barbaro
  • Democratic Foundation of Orange County Chair Dan Jacobson
  • Los Angeles/Orange County Building Trades Council
  • Orange County Professional Firefighters
  • Teamsters, Local 952

“I’m honored to receive the support of local leaders and organizations that know the needs of our city and my ability to provide strong and consistent leadership to get the job done,” says Mayor Pulido.

“Over the next few weeks, I will reach out to Santa Ana voters, feature key endorsements, and most importantly, share numerous accomplishments from my current term as Mayor. Those accomplishments include historic low crime rates, rehabilitation of hundreds of miles of neighborhood streets, and balanced budgets.”

For more information about Mayor Pulido, please visit


  1. Hey, Jose Solorio is on the wrong side! All is right with the world!

    Is this exactly the same as the “Daly vs. Perez” lineup? I don’t see any difference at first glance — at least if you combine Martinez’s vote with Perez’s, as I wish had been the case in the first place. Change has already come; we’ll see if more change will follow.

  2. Definitely change has already occurred………there is a council majority independent of Pulido.

    As a independent Pulido majority council they are poised to make Orange County History by taking the county seat to its potential.

    My understanding is that they are fully committed to do this. The addition of Alderete and Reyna will further solidify their resolve.

    From Pulido’s fundraiser anouncement:

    “Over the next few weeks, I will reach out to Santa Ana voters, feature key endorsements, and most importantly, share numerous accomplishments from my current term as Mayor. Those accomplishments include historic low crime rates, rehabilitation of hundreds of miles of neighborhood streets, and balanced budgets”

    These are the highlights of 18 years as Mayor Pulido wishes to campaign on.

    Most reading this will see this as an embarrassment of 18 yeas as Mayor.

    Benavides needs to use Pulido’s claim of name recognition and attach the claim of 18 years of accomplishments to it……state, is this it! What has he been doing for 18 years??????

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