Sharon Quirk-Silva Gains Key Education Endorsements for AD-65

Fullerton Mayor Sharon Quirk-Sliva speaks at press conference calling for Attorney General investigation of Carlos Bustamante sexual abuse scandal. (Photo:



(Fullerton, CA) — California Teachers Association (CTA), California Federation of Teachers, California Faculty Association, California School Employees Association and California Teachers for Academic Excellence have all endorsed Fullerton Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva for the 65th Assembly District.

“With budget cuts looming and many school districts struggling to stay afloat, public education in our state stands at a critical juncture.” said Dean E. Vogel, president of CTA.  Vogel went on to say, “Our legislators play a crucial role in determining whether California schools will receive the support they need to properly educate our children. Sharon understands the challenges we face, and will be a strong advocate for public education and an ally our kids can count on in the State Assembly.”

“I am very grateful for the support that the education community has given me with their endorsements,” said Sharon Quirk-Silva, candidate for Assembly. “Quality public schools are crucial to California’s economic future. As a public official and a mother, I’m committed to making sure that California’s education system is world-class and that our kids have every opportunity to succeed.”

“Our children deserve real representation in Sacramento and someone who will fight for them every day,” Sharon added.

Quirk-Silva is a 27 year elementary school teacher currently serving her second term as mayor of the largest city in the district.

California’s 65th Assembly District includes the cities of Fullerton, Buena Park, La Palma, Cypress, Stanton and West Anaheim.

For more information about Sharon Quirk-Silva visit her website.