Tustin Council member Deborah Gavello has decided not to seek re-election. She sent us this statement below:
“It is with mixed emotions that I have decided not to seek re-election to the Tustin City Council. Under the best of conditions, four years of public service can take its toll on any elected official. As a single parent, juggling family, work, and council duties it is especially demanding and made ever more challenging by the toxic atmosphere created by a majority of its elected officials.
I am proud of the grassroots campaign I ran in 2008 becoming only the fourth woman and first democrat to be elected to the Council. From the onset it was apparent that my colleagues were not going to put partisan politics aside to work together for the best interests of the community.
Despite the challenge of having unequal access to information, being barred from serving on outside committees, having few resources, and withstanding the brunt of repeated bullying, I am proud of my service, my strength, and the independence I brought to the dais including:
• Calling for the end of no-bid contracts
• Spotlighting Treasurer’s violations of our investment policy
• Questioning the value of “consulting contracts”
• Opposing the water rate increase
• Supporting consideration of replacing city water service for more effective service from IRWD
• Assisting residents with their concerns and issues
• Advocating for public parks and open space
I leave the council with the hope that new members will allow diversity of ideas and perspectives and return the discourse to a level of professionalism that our residents deserve.”
Gavello was instrumental in exposing the bullying behavior and lack of fiscal conservativism of former mayor and current term out Council member Jerry Amante. While Amante, without naming her, accused Gavello of being behind the recall of Amante which fell a few thousand signatures short of making the ballot. Gavello was begged to join the effort but refused. She is one of the more principaled members of the Tustin City Council and a number of residents of Tustin are going to miss her.
Earth to Tustin “Single Mom” Pussy Politician. Stop splitin hairs and join the Revolution. Occupy the political office that you have, join the corrrupt others in maintaining the same O! don’t tell us about your other obligations. Do something! besides drop out in a proper least offensive fashion. By the way, Liberal O.C. is pathetic! and very fake at being liberal.
Sorry if you feel we are not liberal enough for you. We have never claimed to be the radical left. we express a wide range of positions on many issues affecting Orange County. Some are very liberal, some are not.
If you want to write for us and present what you see as a more liberal point of view, we are always looking for people to contribute to the conversation.
Taking shots at us from the sidelines is about as chicken-shit as one can get.
Chris what happened to your 99% Documentary? Did you change it to the 51% Documentary?
Just a reminder, we like people to stick to the topic of the post when they comment. While your question isn’t relevant to the post topic, the project you reference was not funded, therefore it is not happening.
I’m very sorry to see Deborah go. She fought the good uphill fight against some very nasty and power-mad penises.