For those who actually keep score on the notion of Liberal Media Bias versus Conservative Media Bias, an interesting tidbit that debunks the notion the media is in the can for President Obama. Mit Romney’s Bain Capital, or which he holds millions of dollars as a “retired director,” holds a major financial stake in ClearChannel Communications and a host of Conservative Talk Radio shows like those put on by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and others. In all Clear Channel owns 850 radio stations around the nation — they also own Premiere Radio Networks, which syndicates the programs of Limbaugh, Hannity, and Glenn Beck, to name a few.
To speak ill of Romney is to speak ill of Bain Capital and ClearChannel is far more concerned about profits. Does anyone expect conservative talk radio to be fair and accurate?
In March 2011, stories broke that Premiere used paid actors to play the part of radio callers to carry on a story line and come across as sincere listeners. From the Wiki page on the incident:
Clear Channel, through its subsidiary, Premiere Radio Networks, auditions and hires actors to call in to talk radio shows and pose as listeners in order to provide shows, carried by Clear Channel and other broadcasters, with planned content in the form of stories and opinions. The custom caller service provided by Premiere Radio ensures its clients they won’t hear the same actor’s voice for at least two months in order to appear authentic to listeners who might otherwise catch on.
Since Bain continues to contribute to Romney’s campaign, one has to wonder if the Bain-Romney-ClearChannel-conservative talk show connections were the reasosn Rick Perry got such a bum rush from Limbaugh and Hannity. These guys know where their bread is buttered.
Clear Channel owns radio stations which carry liberal content as well. And does not own ANY tv stations, newspapers, magazines or online news sources.