There is considerable flap over President Obama coming out in support of marriage equality. So many conservatives pointing to “traditional marriage” and I laugh everytime I hear Mitt Romney talok about marriage being between one man and one woman when his grandfather had four wives (must have been tough to buy four different “grandmother” cards on Mother’s Day for old Mitt.
Take a look at the chart above which tracks the Bible’s definition of traditional marriage. Let’s talk about it.
Dan, regarless the number of wives or husbands, marriage is stil between opposite sex.(male and female) is not?.I do not care who gets married to who ,but traditionatly has always been between different gender, is no?. I hope same sex union gett legalized whith all the rights and obligations without stealing the word marriage for heterosexuals, is alway wise to finf the mddle common ground. Just the way is in many socialist european countries without any problem. Same sex unions is a right for all glbt.
I know several same sex couples who are “married” in every sense of the word except legally? This has always been an issue about equality. If the church wants to establish rules for who is allowed to marry in their chruch, that’s completely fine. But as long as the state can legally join two people together in marriage, anyone should be able to marry the person they love
“I laugh everytime I hear Mitt Romney talok about marriage being between one man and one woman when his grandfather had four wives (must have been tough to buy four different “grandmother” cards on Mother’s Day for old Mitt.”
So, do you laugh at Obama for opposing legalizing plural marriage, when Obama’s FATHER was a bigamist?
Come on. Attacking Mitt Romney because of his grandfather is sooooo weak.
I have bigger issues with Obama’s father, notably his leaving his family with young children behind.
There are lots of better and stronger reasons to go after Romney…
So much has changed and yet some things just refuse to budge. Obama has evolved and civil rights put to popular vote appear to be unpopular. The same tired, old arguments get rerun ad naseum, chiefly that of the Bible’s definition of marriage. A few minutes ago, I ran a search of The Liberal OC archives. I posted an article about just this question on April 13, 2009. Briefly, I asked for a citation of the Bible’s definition of marriage. Because I’m no Biblical scholar, I asked for book, chapter, and verse so that, finally, I could learn and know. There were some trivial comments, another was meaningful, and some others were just plain irrelevant. Interesting to note that no one — not one person — answered the question and so I pose it again: Please, would someone provide the book, chapter, and verse from the Bible that defines marriage as being between one man and one woman? Anyone?
The video version: