RSCCD Trustee John Hanna Raising Money for District Model United Nations Program

John Hanna Birthday Celebration 2011(Photo: Lou Delgado)

This is a new twist on campaign fundraising, using your campaign event to fund a program eliminated by budget cuts. That’s what Trustee John Hanna is doing next week in celebration of his birthday.

John Hanna Birthday Celebration 2011(Photo: Lou Delgado)

From Hanna’s email to supporters:

For a number of years I have held a birthday event  to raise funds for my campaign activity.  This year I have decided to use the funds raised at my May 16th event to go towards restoration of our District’s Model United Nation’s Program at Santiago Canyon College.  Nationally recognized, the program was temporarily closed down due to budget cuts originating in Sacramento. I want to take the first step to restoring it by dedicating the funds raised for my May 16th event to our Model UN program.

You can help me and my campaign by contributing to the effort.  I will let the students and the college community know who helped me in this effort.  I hope to see you on May 16th, and if you can’t make it please send a contribution. It’s all about the students.

1 Comment

  1. The Model United Nations – Preparing Youth for Continuous Warfare

    Korean War – UN “peace-keeping”

    Viet Nam – under the authority of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, -SEATO, a ‘regional arrangement’ of the United Nations

    Mideast Wars – under Bush 41 daddy Bush, to enforce United Nations mandates

    Balkan Wars – under Clinton & NATO – another ‘regional arrangement’ of the United Nations

    Mideast Wars – Under Bush 43, son of Bush, to enforce United Nations mandates

    Mideast Wars – Under Obama in Libya, and Syria for United Nations ‘humanitarian’ reasons >> Impeach

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