We anticipate the endorsement cycle of news to accelerate leading up to primary day. OC Clerk recorder and former Anaheim Mayor Tom Daly today announced the backing of four members of the Gardne Grove City Council. The press release is below.
Councilmembers Kris Beard, Bruce Broadwater, Steve Jones, and Dina Nguyen All Endorse Daly’s Candidacy For 69th State Assembly District In Central Orange County
GARDEN GROVE – Orange County Clerk-Recorder and former Anaheim Mayor Tom Daly announced today that four members of the Garden Grove City Council have endorsed his campaign for State Assembly.
“I am honored to have the support of Garden Grove Councilmembers Kris Beard, Bruce Broadwater, Steve Jones, and Dina Nguyen for my State Assembly campaign,” said Daly. “I’m looking forward to working with them to make state government work productively for the residents and businesses of Garden Grove.”
Daly’s campaign for the 69th State Assembly District in central Orange County has been endorsed by a broad coalition of local community leaders, business leaders, city councilmembers, school board members, community college board members, and other elected officials, including State Assemblyman Jose Solorio, who currently represents the Assembly District but is termed out and cannot seek re-election.
Daly has served as Orange County’s Clerk-Recorder since 2002. He previously served as the directly elected Mayor of Anaheim for ten years. The 69th State Assembly District includes portions of the cities of Garden Grove, Anaheim, Orange, and Santa Ana.
I don’t follow GG politics much. I know that Dina Nguyen is a Republican. Are the others too?
Any liberals, OC?
It’s an open primary Greg — all voters matter to get to the top two.
Broadwater is a Democratic, not very LiberalOC though.
Kris Beard is also a Democrat. Steve Jones I beleive is a Republican
Thanks Jim. I thought Kris was a Dem but wasn’t sure.
People dividing up a portion of the vote matters too, Dan. Martinez seems to be tacking well to the right and Daly is the de facto establishment Republican in the race (as poor Joe Moreno is finding out what his party really thinks of him. Still, he’s got the GOP Party ID.)
Moreno, Daly, and Martinez will now be dividing up lots of the conservative vote. Perez is the only one (except maybe Barragan) who is not tacking to the right — and tacking right comes at some cost in votes too, wouldn’t you say? That’s especially so in a top-two primary!
Daly is and always has been a Democrat–so what?
Years ago, when he was Anaheim’s mayor, the OC Republican machine tried mightily to take him out for being a Dem. However, a bunch of RATIONAL Anaheim Repubs formed “Republicans for Daly” to prevent the OC Repub machine from foisting their idiot candidate on Anaheim. Thankfully Daly won, and Anaheim kept OC’s best mayor.
So is Daly now flunking some progressive purity test because he’s known to have admirers on the conservative side of the aisle? I hope not. He shouldn’t be dinged on account of some Repubs being honest enough to admit he’s a really smart guy.