Due to the enthusiasm of some over eager friends, one of our readers tipped us off to the pending candidacy for Ward 5 City Council in Santa Ana where Karina Onofre, who publishes the Mundo Latino World Magazine in Santa Ana is throwing her hat into the ring and will run for Santa Ana City Council in Ward 5, which is the seat currently held by Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez. Onofre confirmed her candidacy with TheLiberalOC in an informal interview tonight. Photo courtesy of the OC Register, Onofre is on the right.
Karina Onofre’s website can be found here. She’s a 29-year-old moderate who is liberal on some issues, Libertarian on others and fiscally conservative. She has attended schools in Santa Ana all her life and is a graduate of Santa Ana High School. She went back East to college at Allegheny College where she has a deegree in economics and political science.
According to her unofficial bio, Onofre earned some sort of Award from President George W. Bush. She’s ben honored for her work as CEO of Mundo Latino World from Congresswoman, Loretta Sanchez. Here’s a summary of her accomplishments:
Certificate of Congressional Recognition June 9, 2011
in Honor of Mundo Latino World Magazine -Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez
The President’s Student Service Award -U.S. President George W. Bush May 1, 2001
AP Scholar -Santa Ana High School (S.A.H.S.) Nov. 5, 2001
Coca-Cola Bottling Company Scholars Foundation Semifinalist Jan. 23, 2001
Santa Ana Unified School District Board of Education -Santa Ana, May 31, 2001
Graduating in top 5% of state of California
PTSA Scholarship Award Santa Ana High School Dollars for Scholars May 31, 2001
Noche de las Estrellas Night of the Stars S.A.H.S.
Exceptional Writer -Ms. Joanna Mootz March 21, 2001
Noche de las Estrellas Night of the Stars S.A.H.S.
Exceptional Student -Mr. Tammaro March 21, 2001
Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement Graduation (M.E.S.A) May 15, 2001
Academic Excellence Award -Golden State Examination (G.S.E) Spring 2000
Spanish Language with High Honors 2000 Golden State Exam
Noche de las Estrellas Night of the Stars S.A.H.S.
Leadership Skills & Enthusiasm – Ms. Barbara Noel Feb. 24, 2000
Academic Excellence Award – Dr. Dennis Arsenault Feb. 24, 2000
California Scholarship Federation Member (C.S.F.) March 1, 1999
Regional Occupational Program (R.O.P.) Certificate of Completion June 10, 1999
Banking/Financial Occupations
Noche de las Estrellas Night of the Stars S.A.H.S.
Attitude, Attendance, & Outstanding Achievement in Science -Mr. Atchley Feb. 24, 1999
Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition Oct. 17, 1998
“Successful Participation in Interscholastic Debate” -CongresswomanLoretta Sanchez
California State Assembly Certificate of Recognition Fall 1998
Daniel Webster Project -Member of CA Assembly Bill Morrow
A.S.B. President
A.S.B. Historian
CA State Assembly Certificate of Recognition October 16, 1998
In Honor of Being a Member of the CSU Fullerton Daniel Webster Project -Robert M. Hertzberg, Member of the 40th Assembly District
HONOR ROLL at Santa Ana High School Fall 1998-99
Help One Student To Succeed (H.O.S.T.S.) Year 1998-99
Recognition at Heninger Elementary
Noche de las Estrellas Night of the Stars S.A.H.S. Feb. 28, 1998
Achievement Award for Outstanding Effort in Honors English -Mrs. Bortner
Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge Feb. 24-27, 2000
Recognition in a Youth Conference Entitled Freedom & Leadership
National Conference for Community and Justice and University of CA Irvine July 30- Aug. 8 2000
In Recognition of your participation in and completion of the Knowledge and Social Responsibility Program -Bill Shane, Executive Director of Orange County NCCJ & by Stephanie Hubert-Schneider
Mothers Against Drug Driving (M.A.D.D.) April 30, 1998
Artwork received “Honorable Mention” in T-shirt design-Reidel Post Executive Director of MADD
Golden State Examination 1998 State Exam
Academic Excellence Award: Geometry with Honors
Santa Ana High School Spring 1998
Perfect Attendance Award -Principal Dan Salcedo
Selected to become a Member of the exclusive California Scholarship Federation (National Honor Society) Oct. 2, 1998
Actress Ismene in the Play of Antigone performed at Santa Ana High School Fall 1997
Golden State Examination 1997
Academic Excellence Award “First Five-year Algebra with Recognition” (top 30%)
Winner of the American Legion Certificate of School Award June 12, 1997
Certificate of Distinguished Achievement. In further recognition of the possession of those high qualities of Courage, Honor, Leadership, Patriotism, Scholarship, and Service which are necessary to the preservation and protection of the fundamental institutions of our government and the advancement of society.” -American Legion Santa Ana Post 131, Manuel E. Vijendo
Student Body President at Willard Intermediate School -Mrs. Weaver May 29, 1997
Able to keep my promises, personally translated articles in our school newspaper into Spanish as well as made our daily announcements on the overhead in English/Spanish to include the non-English speakers, loved leading everyone in the daily U.S. Pledge of Allegiance, had movies during lunch as a fundraiser at a $.25 entrance fee (helped students stay out of heat), gave our Promotion Speech upon Graduation
Honor Society Award May 29, 1997
Willard Intermediate School
Language Arts May 29, 1997
Academic Excellence in Language Arts at Willard Intermediate -Ms. Joanna Mootz
Willard Ambassador 1997 May 29, 1997
Mediated disputes and disagreements between fellow classmates, to prevent escalating to Principal
Camp Success Summer 1997
Special Program to develop Personal, Social and Pre-employment skills
Excellent Performance and Contribution to our Office Aug. 28, 1997
County of Orange Public Facilities and Resources Department of Architecture & Engineering
Choir Award for Academic Excellence May 29, 1997
Student Council at Willard Intermediate June 6, 1996
Certificate for Historian for Student Council Officers at Willard Intermediate School
If her mission statement about the publication she manages is any indication, she’ll be a powerful candidate in Ward 5.
“Our goal with MUNDO LATINO WORLD magazine is to Strengthen Latinos & the Whole WORLD in unison with tips on healthcare, eating, excercising, love poems and expressions, wisdom quotes, education tips, career tips, home buying, family, dating, serenatas, investing ideas, business ideas, interviewing local community Leaders, Movers & Shakers, and both Political as well as Hollywood celebrities!!! With writers expressing themselves from across the world, this is Exciting. PLEASE JOIN US IN THE MOVEMENT!!!!
Onofre has no ties with any of the current members of the City Council, but expect that to change as her campaign gets off the ground.
We may need a Spanish major to answer this query. Is the possesive form of “Alvarez” correctly “Alvarez’s” or is it Alvarez’ ??
Wow – she left off the age she was potty trained! And it was not that long ago, either!
But seriously – she stopped getting awards in 2001? What did she do between May of 2001 and June of 2011? And why is it that records indicate that Mundo Latino World was founded in 2011? How do you get a congressional recognition for founding a magazine within months of founding the magazine? And how come a new magazine has no online presence in 2012? What is the circulation – three?
True! I agree with Santa Ana citizen. How do you get congressional recognition for founding a magazine within months. Also no online presence? This is fishy and should be checked. I had a friend of mine drive to the address in Santa Ana where the business is listed for the alleged magazine, all that was there was an insurance agency with a tax business. An old house converted to a business office on Main street in Santa Ana. An investigation is being conducted in regards to this recognition. In my opinion, this is a No No.
so who is conducting said investigation? The Santa Ana PD? Along with dusting the broken Martinez for Assembly signs for fingerprints right?
So Juan, does this mean you are stalking Karina via proxy? Sounds like a confession to me.
The circulation is 10,000. Why she won a congressional recognition is best left to Loretta Sanchez’s office since they issued it.
Between May 2001 and June 2011, she was in college and then working. Its not the sort of publication that lends itself to an online presence (not everything does).
Haters gotta hate. The fact is she’s threre years older than Michele Martinez was when she sought office and has considerable private sector successes.
“Haters gotta hate.” Come on Dan – that was a bit harsh.
When is Claudia going to announce her intention to run or not run?
Y’know, Dan, that was a pretty pathetic response, as was your attempt to paint my comments a being from a “hater”. Even worse, your attempt to claim your comments were “a tongue in cheek shot across the bow”. What bow? Whose tongue, and whose/which cheek? See? Humor is not REALLY that hard, and your comments were not at all an attempt at humor.
That said, the point made, in a very tongue and cheek manner, was that this woman is (1) very young; (2) lists her awards from grade school through high school on her campaign website, but they disappear until a congressional recognitioon in 2011 which is likely simply a political “howdy, friend”. (3) A search of the magazine name states it was founded last year. That is somewhat odd, given that nature of 2011 congressional award pertaining to the magazine. If this is true, publishing a magazine for (maybe) a year is not that huge a resume point if it is the only thing she has done outside of college.
Which is not to say it is. But it is HER website, and HER campaign bon fides in support of HER candidacy.
Since YOU posted all these things, I assumed YOU thought they had some relevance, and that YOU would perhaps analyze them to point out what I did. Or perhaps the whole analytical, commentary type of blogging that has actually made the Liberal OC the best political blog in SoCal should be attributed to Chris. Since you have posted a follow-up commentary that says she has “considerable private sector successes” perhaps YOU can tell us what they are. What are you, her campaign manager? This is like Pedroza wihout the nastiness.
Final Note: She may be three years older than Michelle when Michelle first ran, but is that really any kind of marker for success? I mean, do you think Michelle has been particularly good for Santa Ana?
Geez Louise, does everyone in Santa Ana have onion thin skin? This young lady was in college Back East and working. I posted her background from her web page to demonistrate her history in the city and the fact she’s pretty smart.
As far as a Congressional award, take it up with Sanchez’s office. They saw something there worthwhile.
I’m not her campaign manager and while I’m grateful you conisder us the best blog in OC, I’ll take issue with any comparison to Art Pedroza (who I’m sure is stalking her Facebook page as we speak). Michele, I’m told, has some private sector experience but it’s not higher than middle management. Her Linked In page is pretty barren. And actually, I think Michele’s record is spotty at best.
Ms. Onofre is an under 30 year old entrepreneur who launched a publication with a circulation of 10,000 during a time when print media struggles. That is a measure of success. She attends council meetings regularly and her phone number is easy to find. Call her and ask yourself. But you might actually have to identify yourself which we know those most active in the blogsphere from Santa Ana are loathe to do.
(1) I hold you to the high standard the Liberal OC deserves.
(2) I am not thin skinned, you just were not funny.
(3) See your comment about thin skinned, self apply.
(4) The Art Pedroza comment has the exact effect intended.
(5) I am not a blogger with the Liberal OC – investigate yourself. I am just commenting in the glaringly obvious oversights in your reporting – and her posted resume.
(6) See point #1.
1. Thank you; much appreciated.
2. You weren’t funny either – that makes us even; the joke on potty training didn’t warrant a snicker on the humor scale.
3. agree to disagree
4. whatever.
5. I actually spoke with here and shared details of her website whcih anyone can see; why its critically important to get awards from the day she graduated high school through today seems odd to me. But the fact that she’s started a new print publication at a time when print media is struggling and she’s been successful enough to warrant attention from Congresswoman Sanchez is impressive whether or not you think so; it’s a 10,000 circulation Spanish language publication. That said, I’ll work harder to produce stories that pass your muster.
See point #1 rebuttal and thanks for reading.
I’d encourage you to pick up a copy of her publication. The model for her readers lends itself more to a print instead of an online edition.
After talking with her, I found her smart, sincere and one very interesting in working towards making the City Council more transparent.
What they saw is a pay check to support their office Dan just like you are getting paid to support her.
I know what this whole thing is about and also know how much you got paid for this.
Why don’t you go look up the word “ETHICS” and its definition.
“Juan” —
I haven’t received a dime from her or any candidate for office. But please produce proof I was paid “since you know.” I am typically writing checks to candidates, not taking them. And if you want me to look up the definition of “ethics” might I suggest you look up the definition of “lying” because your statement I have accepted any money from this candidate whom I have never met is a bold faced lie.
If you want a blogger who takes money from candidates without disclosing, there’s this guy in Santa Ana we sued regarding NAMBLA and Gay porn and we won $55K from…I think his name is Pedroza. Collections are gonna hurt; I’m just sorry the paperwork takes so long to file.
Junior — good catch on my tongue & cheek shot across the bow.
I know Alvarez has been told she can’t run but I believe she fully intends to pull papers and run. The news that she can’t is a dodge so those various community organizations who don’t want her on the council any longer will get lulled into a false sense of security. We’re aware of legal documents being prepared in anticipation of her filing to run in spite of being termed out. Those groups should make sure their paperwork is in order for when Alvarez files
Ms. Alvarez been in office for 3 terms since 2000 and I think that is more than enough, we need young blood in office. This is not the Middle East. Mr. Pullido the Mayor has been there since 1994. The city on the verge of bankruptcy… WE NEED A CHANGE!!!!!!
Mrs. Alvarez was under fire for a statement she made comparing a Jewish businessman to Adolf Hitler. That is unacceptable, I find it very offensive to me as a Santa Ana Resident
I agree we need a change, I feel there is so much corruption in the city of Santa and these politicians are getting richer and richer. We need an immediate change!! I applaud the courage of this young lady Mrs. onofre on taking this tough challenge. We should all support her and not criticize her
I think we can all agree that it’s time for a change in Santa Ana’s city hall. The back room deals, disrespect for the public, and the campaign and ethics violations have all got to stop, and they simply won’t under the current leadership.
With all due respect to Ms. Onofre, I think it’s important to wait and see what the options are before lining up behind any one candidate this early.
I’m pleased to have updated a photo with a pic of Onofre holding a copy of her publication with Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez
Wow!! She is beautifull and smart that is very rare these days
The poster above doesn’t believe in voter’s rights.
still waiting for you to tell us which court says Alvarez can run for a fourth term Cook.
If she sues to be placed on the ballot, she is suing the city and the city’s lawyers will have to defend this to abidse by the ruling the city clerk has already issued. If she shes, the council should move to have her stripped of her mayor pro tem title immediately.
Claudia Alvarez is acting against Measure D she promoted directly for her own benefit –was her term not up when she pushed this hard from her own home so that she could EXTEND her term? So much for Ethics in the bill! We need educated and conscientious CITY COUNCILMEN and WOMEN not anti-sematic, intolerant, self-righteous biggots. I will give Karina Onofre my VOTE, read about her, she seems Sincere and a Super Achiever.
Michele looked sincere, and look what has happened to her.
I feel that there is so much corruption in Santa Ana, we need new blood to take over and clean things up