Sergio Contreras announces bid for Westminster City Council

Westminster School Board president Sergio Contrerras announced he’s a candidate for Westminster City Council via Facebook this morning. And he’s launched a new website to get the word out about his candidacy.

“With your support, as a Westminster School Board Trustee since 2004, we have improved Westminster Schools. As a Councilmember, I want to continue to improve the quality of life for all Westminster residents.”   Sergio Contreras, President of the Westminster School Board       Please join Westminster Mayor Margie Rice, Westminster Deputy Mayor Tri Ta, Westminster Councilmember Frank Fry and many other community leaders in voting to elect Sergio Contreras this November.


Contreras has already secured some key endorsements from city leaders including Mayor Margie Rice, Deputy Mayor Tri Ta and City Council member Frank Fry.

Contreras holds a masters in public administration from CSU Long Beach and is an OC Young Democrats member.