Hot off the press release:
Environmentalists Call Julio Perez “Best Choice” for Assembly League of Conservation Voters’ Endorsement Adds to Campaign’s Momentum
Santa Ana, CA – Saying he has demonstrated a clear commitment to protect the environment, the California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV), one of the state’s top environmental groups, today announced its endorsement of Julio Perez for the 69th Assembly District seat.
“No matter what part of the state you live in, the need for clean air, clean water and protecting our children from toxic substances is a primary concern,” said David Allgood, CLCV Political Director. “Julio has demonstrated a strong commitment to protecting the environment and the public’s health, making him the best choice in this race. We look forward to working with Julio in the Assembly on the issues about which Californians care most.”
“I am honored to have the support of one of the state’s leading environmental groups,” said Julio Perez. “Together, we will work to be responsible stewards of the environment so our children today and future generations can enjoy California’s beauty.”
The California League of Conservation Voters is the non-partisan political action arm of California’s environmental movement. For 40 years, CLCV has worked to protect the environmental quality of the state by increasing public awareness of the environmental performance of all elected officials, working to elect environmentally responsible candidates, and holding them accountable to the environmental agenda once elected.
Among all candidates, Julio has raised the most, nearing $200,000 in total contributions. Julio’s ongoing fundraising lead includes contributions from hundreds of progressive small donors and activists. The campaign also leads the field in early primary endorsements, including support from the California Teachers Association and the Orange County Labor Federation.
In recent electoral history, the early backing of both teachers and labor has been crucial to the victory of Democratic Legislative and Congressional candidates in Central Orange County. The Perez for Assembly campaign has dominated the field, winning the support of these key groups.
For a complete list of the statewide and locally elected officials, educators, labor groups, community leaders, public safety organizations, grassroots activists and individuals that are backing Julio Perez for State Assembly, visit www.JulioForAssembly.com.
From the California League of Conservation Voters website:
“California’s Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) is the most ambitious renewable energy standard in the country. The RPS program required electric corporations to increase procurement from eligible renewable energy resources by at least 1% of their retail sales annually, until they reached 20% by 2010. Governor Jerry Brown kept his campaign promise to make the requirement even more rigorous when he signed legislation in 2011 that requires the companies to achieve 33% RPS by 2020.”
From a Google search:
“This page was last modified on 7 February 2012 at 10:05.”
California’s Energy Source, % of total
Natural Gas 46.5%, Nuclear 14.9%, Large Hydro 9.6%, Coal 15.5%, Renewable 13.5%
The insanity verdict:
20% renewable energy by 2010
13.5% as of February 2012
33% requirement by 2020
This insanity is unique to California, – the home of the ‘Green Religious Cult’