Morning News Bits – January 31, 2012

January 31, 2012 0

Here are some of the stories our friends are covering that we are following at TheLiberalOC. John Williams Still locked out & spiked his pension, Anaheim to revisit hotel development subsidies, Costa Mesa’s Outsourcing Leagal fees top $400K, and Correa’s Buffa Rule passes state Senate

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New Right Wing Blog Debuts

January 30, 2012 0

Those who follow the blogsphere in Orange County know that Red County hasn’t been the same in quite some time.  A new conservative political blog […]

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The Angry Right

January 30, 2012 3

The weekend kicked off with a spirited debate between LiberalOC publisher Chris Prevatt and the OC Register’s Mark Landsbaum over an editorial in the Register […]

John Williams Just Doesn’t Know When The Show’s Over

January 27, 2012 1

Public Administrator/Public Guardian John Williams (Ret.) has a problem letting go and saying goodbye. Last year he announced he would retire on January 23, 2012. He now wants to keep the job which pays him his six-figure salary to do nothing. The Board of Supes. says goodbye, watch the door lock behind you.

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Unintentional Hilarity

January 26, 2012 4

Sometimes, a newspaper headline gets accidentially connected to a photo on the page that has nothing to do with the story in question. And this […]