Join OccupyOC for the International Direct Day of Action on Thursday,November 17th

Thursday, November 17th is an International Direct Day of Action in support of Occupy Wall Street.  Around the world people will be protesting, rallying, and Occupying in solidarity with Wall Street to call for an end to the corporatism that has taken over our country and the world.

At Liberation Plaza / Plaza de Liberacion (Location of Occupy Orange County ~ Santa Ana), Broadway & Civic Center Drive, Santa Ana, CA

There will be an 11am march with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)!!!

And later in the afternoon…

At IRVINE’S FINANCIAL DISTRICT, Intersection of Von Karman and Main, Irvine, CA we have the Occupy OC-Irvine demonstration.

In celebration of Occupy Wall Street’s 2 Month Anniversary of Occupation. OccupyOC-Irvine plans their biggest demonstration on the anchoring corner of Irvine’s Financial District on Thursday, November 17th beginning at 3:00 PM. Let’s meet at 3:00 PM at the Civic Center and carpool to the intersection by 3:15 PM, be on the corners by 3:30 PM.

Demonstrators are urged to keep their signs relevant to the corporations/banks financial involvement in our government – election campaigns and lobbyists.

The area is home to pharmaceutical companies, financial investment firms, banks, and other large corporations.

Plans include demonstrating from 3:30 PM to about 5:15 PM.

PART II of the Irvine Demonstration

The plan is to join MoveOn for their November 17th day of action, WE ARE THE 99% as they demonstrate at 5:30 PM at the John Wayne Airport – MacArthur Connection Bridge, 18622 MacArthur Blvd.

This demonstration will draw attention to the crumbling infrastructure in this country that will employ thousands when we start fixing them. Let’s put America back to work!!!

United in Solidarity . . . We will work together . . . to Reclaim America NOW!!!


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