New Facebook Group Calls for Alvarez to Resign

A new Facebook page as emerged and is serving as an online voice to call for the resignation of Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez,  You can view the page here and join it and like it per Facebook lingo.

The nice thing about Facebook is that unlike anonymous comments left on Blogs, most people have a real identity attached to Facebook and if the page takes off and generates a lot of new members and a lot of “Likes,” its a social media siren call for Alvarez to resign in the wake of bigoted anti-semitic statements made against the Chase family.  Alvarez, from the dais at Wednesday’s council meeting, referred to Chase as “Hitler” and suggested that both men where engaged in ethnic cleansing.  She has since apologize for her choice of words and according to several published reports, the Chase’s have not heard directly from her.

Some of the comments are already rich:

Paul Gonzales I decided that Claudia didn’t represent me when she went on a homophobic crusade against the Velvet Lounge. This only further cements my belief.


Update: I fixed the link!



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