SANTA ANA — I guess the old saying “when it rains it pours” is appropriately applied to Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido today. The Voice of OC reported yesterday on Anaheim’s Green Deal Gone Bad. In that story reporter Adam Elmahrek pointed out that Mayor Miguel Pulido was involved with the project. Today he drilled down deeper into the involvement of Mighel Pulido and the Success Fee, of somewhere between $10,001 and $100,000, that he received for bringing the parties together.
Elmahrek reports:
Those who do business with Chaz Haba can come to regret it.
In at least a dozen lawsuits going back to 1985, former employees, business partners and creditors have accused the Van Nuys-based entrepreneur of misdeeds ranging from unethical business practices to outright fraud.
And as Voice of OC reported Monday, records and interviews show that Haba, through his company iCeL Systems, Inc., might have duped officials in Anaheim, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and even Orange County Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.
But one local official seems to have done well by Haba — Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido. Pulido received between $10,001 and $100,000 from iCeL Systems Inc., according to his conflict of interest disclosure for 2009 (see attached file).
In an interview with a Voice of OC reporter, Haba called Pulido a “good friend” but was vague when asked specifically what Pulido did as an employee of iCeL. Haba stated, however, that Pulido provided iCeL with entree to other mayors.
Ouch! Not a great day for Orange County’s “Little Green Mayor.” Read the rest of the story here.
Miguel Pulido is just the tip of the iceberg. These guys who run Santa Ana have been getting away with bad deeds for over 20 years. Someone needs to drill down into David Ream’s dealings–and while they’re at it–Santa Ana Police Chief Paul Walters, too. They’re all joined at the hip. Why did Ream so abruptly leave Santa Ana? He hopes to be forgotten. Yes, Pulido’s in trouble, but the real story is all three of these knuckleheads.
Look fellas, Santa Ana’s Council has been running a cash and carry scam for years. Once Pedroza got to 50 readers over his blog Pulido wisely recognized us as the players that we are and bought us off. Pedroza got $5150 and I got an appointment. Like mother promised I’m in the catbird seat now!