Liberals Rejoice at Jerry Brown’s Inauguration

Jerry Brown is governor! For California liberals, those words alone give us great comfort that our state is back in capable, trustworthy hands, and no longer under the purview of politically incompetent Republicans as movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger or his wannabe clone, billionaire Meg Whitman.

In his smartly succinct 13-minute inaugural speech, Jerry affirmed that he will govern using the three principles on which he campaigned:

  • “Speak the truth. No more smoke and mirrors on the budget. No more empty promises.”

  • “No new taxes unless the people vote for them.”

  • “”Return as much as possible decisions and authority to cities, counties and schools, closer to the people.”

You can view the entirety of Gov. Brown’s speech HERE.

Reflective of widespread liberal joy at Jerry Brown’s return to California’s helm, the governor’s inauguration was packed with thousands of supporters amid a veritable who’s who of Golden State Democrats. Spotted in the cheering, smiling crowd were U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, former Gov. Gray Davis, former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger with wife Maria Shriver, Lt. Gov-elect Gavin Newsom, soon-to-be former Lt. Gov. Abel Maldonado, and innumerable members of the California legislature.

As for me, I have enough faith in California’s prospects for improvement under Gov. Jerry Brown that I want to continue to be part of the solution: this weekend, I stand for election to a third two-year term as delegate to the California Democratic party from Assembly District #72. I would appreciate your vote if you reside in our North Orange County district.

Have to say as a California native, I loved Gov. Brown’s corny, enthusiastic speech ending, taken from the state’s unofficial song, “California here I come, Right back where I started from!”

Welcome back, Jerry! We couldn’t be more pleased.


  1. The party at the Museum was uniquely low key, certainly a far cry from years past. Most apparent to me was the lack of influence there, the lobbyists, the bloggers, the hangers on and wannabe’s were non-existent.

    This bodes well for Jerry’s 1st 100 days the measuring stick of his term.

    My group ended up at HM/HP on J for beers and a much livelier time. There the aforementioned were three deep for a Monday night!

  2. It is far to soon for even Democrats to be celebrating the return of Jerry Brown. Faced with the herculean task of cleaning up the mess of the big spenders in Sacramento, Brown has yet to announce just how he will attack the problem.

    Putting members of his own party on a “Jenny Craig” budget diet, might be a start in the right direction. The biggest dilemma will be that of which programs to eliminate, which to cut substantially and which to leave unchanged.

    Brown is sure to try and raise revenue by placing proposed tax increases on the ballot and presenting a worst case scenario to the voters (The Sky Is Falling). In this economic climate with people out of work, loosing their homes and businesses leaving the state, chances would seem to be slim and none for any tax increase.

    After the tax effort fails, this means more spending cuts, likely to previously untouchable areas such as education. Frankly, I do not envy the job that Governor Brown has before him. Before it is all over and if the State manages to avoid bankruptcy, the actions by Governor Brown may result in absolute silence instead of the cheering now going on.

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