Yorba Linda Water District seeks Citizen’s Advisory Committee Members

When the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors convene for their next regular board meeting on Thursday, December 9th, at 8:30 a.m., they will do so with two new board members sitting at the dais.  Newly elected Yorba Linda businessmen Gary Melton and Bob Kiley will be making their debuts on the Water Board with the previously appointed, now elected Director, Phil Hawkins. 

The November election’s top three vote getters all sat previously on the YLWD Citizen’s Advisory Committee, which was established back in early 2009, after the Freeway Complex Fire.

“The Citizen’s Advisory Committee was a great way for the three of us to learn the issues and challenges of the district,” said Hawkins. “As rate payers and concerned citizens we felt a need for change and the inception of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee presented the opportunity to get involved and have a voice. Certainly moving forward, we are hopeful that the Citizen’s Advisory Committee will continue to stay dialed in on important issues facing the District and we as a Board are appreciative of their input. I would encourage anyone interested in serving on the Citizen’s Advisory Committee to contact the District.”

Anyone who wishes to join the YLWD Citizens Advisory Committee should call Yorba Linda Water District Public Affairs at (714) 701-3033.