A True Measure of Integrity: Transparency

The principle is real simple; if you’ve got nothing to hide, let the sun shine on what you’re doing. Well, that principle is not acceptable for the majority on the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

Yesterday, the Board considered a proposal from Supervisor Bill Campbell to take Orange County out of the dark ages of back room political deals and insider influence trading into the 21st century world of government transparency. The proposal itself did not go nearly far enough, but it was a first step that required registration of paid lobbyists. But the pious John Moorlach led two of his colleagues on the Board to “Just say No” to any transparency at all. Only Supervisor Janet Nguyen joined Campbell in supporting reform. Supervisors Bates and Nelson want nothing to do with transparency. Read more from the Voice of OC.

Chicken Little John Moorlach

Thanks John, you have once again confirmed that you, the one on the Board of Supervisors who claims integrity above all others, are the least worthy of our trust. How sad that we are stuck with you on the Board for four more years.

By the way while we’re on the topic of integrity, you once claimed that if you were not required to you would have not enrolled in the County pension plan. Now that we know you can opt out once you take oath for your next term as Supervisor, are you going to keep your word or keep the money?

We’ll be watching to see what you do, but our expectations won’t be very high.


  1. I don’t think anyone expected a different outcome. Campbell, albeit a milktoast proposal, was at least willing to step in and say something needs to be done. But, when true conservatives reign, they don’t want their dirty laundry aired in public. What does the Gang of Five have to hide by not putting visitors to their offices, particularly those who have a desire to do business with the county, in the public eye? I guess we will find out when this measure hits the ballot. Hopefully, the Go5 won’t try to back door this.

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