So you are reading this and wondering, “what smear campaign?” They are coming, probably starting today, almost for sure tomorrow. Luckily, The Liberal OC was able to obtain documents and reports showing this was about to happen, just who is behind this and what PAC is being used as the front organization. You can read the reports HERE, HERE and HERE. It tells you everything you all need to know, but I will spell it out for you.
The PAC being used is the Orange County Victory Fund, a PAC that was put together in 2004 to support get out the vote efforts for Democrats in Orange County for the 2004 election. A lot of time, sweat and tears was put into it by many Democrats. In the end , it was left in Frank Barbaro’s hands, who used it occasionally to support Democratic candidates and Democratic GOTV efforts. So one would think this year, the OCVF would be used to help Loretta Sanchez, who is facing a tough challenge against right wing Republican Van Tran or used to help Phu Nguyen in the 68th Assembly district against the vile racist Republican Allan Mansoor. NOPE, not Frank, instead he is using a Democratic Party related PAC to to go after Liberal Democrat Alfredo Amezcua, who is taking on Miguel Pulido, also a Democrat but who has knowingly supported candidates who think AIDS is God’s punishment to gays. So let’s recap, Democratic party related PAC is being used to launch smears against a DEMOCRAT, running in a non-partisan race against another DEMOCRAT, and NOT being used to help elect a viable DEMOCRAT in the 68th AD and NOT being used to go after REPUBLICAN Van Tran and NOT being used to help DEMOCRAT LORETTA SANCHEZ!
So when I checked late filings yesterday with the Santa Ana City Clerk, I was stunned to see nearly $32,000 spent in opposition to Alfredo Amezcua filed at the City Clerk’s office. This money was spent in the time between October 22 and October 26. There were also $36,000 in contributions in that same time frame. WOW, so we have a chance to maybe spent $32,000 to go after Van Tran and help Loretta Sanchez and Frank Barbaro and other south county insiders are doing nothing for her, but Miguel Pulido faces the prospect of defeat at the hands of a fellow DEMOCRAT and they manage to raise $36,000 in 72 hours. Glad to see our party chair has his priorities in order. So who are some of the folks giving all this money, well it is a who’s who of developers and special interests who Mayor Pulido has sold this city to over the years. One was even the subject of the critical Gran Jury report over how they got a contract despite being the lowest rated company. So who are these donors, they are:
Lyon Apartment Companies- $10,000 They are the likely management companies of the thousands of units to be built in the Station District.
Roger Torriero- $5,000 He is with Griffin, the developer for the Station District who is about to get millions of dollars in OUR tax money. He is also the father of Talan Torriero, one of the little spoiled brats from Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County and used to date Kimberly Stewart, the daughter of Rod Stewart.
Cordoba Corporation- $5,000 The folks who got the contract despite being the lowest rated and led to a Grand Jury investigation.
First, this entire election I have heard that Amezcua has no chance, that he is going to lose by double digits. The city insiders would be terrible poker players because they are not acting like Pulido is up by double digits. One doesn’t raise $36,000 in 72 hours from developers who have bought off the mayor if he isn’t in trouble. Point is these developers want to continue to have a carte blanche with money that should be used for our streets, parks and public safety, not to enrich a bunch of South Orange County developers and trash barons. They know if Amezcua is elected, he will turn this city back over to the residents and they cannot have that. Spread the word and know these hit pieces are untrue and nothing more than a move of desperation by developers who want to screw the residents of Santa Ana.
Why CRY over spilled milk? Loretta Sanchez is history and EVERYBODY and their mother knows this!! Why do you think she had to pay Bill Clinton to speak on her behalf. Loretta has no backbone. She must read from a telepromter and notes for a debate! Then she dodges another debate with Van Tran and Cecilia Iglesias on Monday. She is no leader nor representative!! Loretta Sanchez is a COWARD!! The voters of D47 are sick of het and we are sending her HOME. Victory is SWEET! Bye, Bye Loretta Sanchez!
This is a state PAC so they can’t help Loretta anyway and they have given generously to Democrats in races all over OC; though Claudio is correct that this group should never fund a hit piece on another Democrat.