Hey Van Tran, it’s still a simple question, even a year later

Assemblyman Van Tran

A little more a year ago I wrote about a simple question that I had for Assemblyman Van Tran. I left several messages for him in his office in Orange County and in Sacramento.  I still haven’t heard back. The audio from the DUI investigation and sobriety check of Westminster Councilman Andy Quach has resurfaced. Assemblyman Van Tran is heard disrupting a police investigation claiming he is Andy Quatch’s lawyer.  Our question: when and in what capacity has Van Tran ever served as Andy Quatch’s lawyer, given that Quatch had another lawyer bail him out and represent him on his DWI charge. 

Late last week, at Van Tran’s invitation to Chris Prevatt following the debate with Rep. Loretta Sanchez, I followed up with Van Tran’s campaign manager George Andrews to see if I could finally get and answer.

Squat. Zip. Nada. Nothing. Again proving Van Tran’s word is worth nothing. 

I actually asked for three answers: 1. Van Tran’s travel documents to show how little time he spends in Orange County. 2. The Andy Quatch layer thingy, and 3. If he’s holding up Loretta’s “only passed one law since being elected to Congress” as evidence of her failure, would he consider his lone passed law — the sale of expired Tet pastries — evidence of his failure as an Assemblyman?

Here is the new YouTube video with the audio where Tran claims to be Andy’s lawyer and almost gets himself arrested for disrupting the investigation.


Here is my post from a year ago:

It’s a simple question

Beginning mid-August, I left a number of messages for Assemblyman Van Tran’s staff in his Sacramento office and Orange County office.  I asked two simple questons: has the Assemblyman EVER represented Councilman Andy Quach as his lawyer? And if so, in what sort of legal proceeding?

After we published the YouTube file with the audio transcript of Van Tran telling Westminster police he was Quach’s lawyer, I called again.  I still don’t have a call back (and I don’t expect one). 

Andy "Smiley" Quach

I also reached Councilmember Quach on his cell phone. I identified myself and told him I had two short questions.  And I aksed him the same thing; has Van Tran ever represented you as a lawyer in any legal proceeding? The councilman suddenly couldn’t hear me and hung up the phone.  No call back (perhaps these two need to meet to get their story straight). Must have been his phone as I was calling from a landline.

It’s likely that Assemblyman Tran didn’t break the law by identifying himself as Quach’s lawyer even though another lawyer bailed out Quach later that morning.  But my legal sources tell me it’s not ethical to say your someone’s lawyer when you’re not.

So Mr. Tran, Mr. Quach..the comment section is yours.  If Van Tran has ever represented Andy Quach as a lawyer, please spell it out for us.  Because by not responding to a legitimate question, the Assemblyman just comes off as a liar.

Photo below is Quach’s lawyer; and he looks nothing like Van Tran!


  1. You’ve got good stuff. Why don’t you use it instead of this.

    An attorney doesn’t have to represent someone in court to become the person’s lawyer. Giving someone legal advice at a cocktail party is enough to establish a lawyer/client relationship in the eyes of the law. Money doesn’t even need to be exchanged.

    A Better Question: Was Van Tran in the car at the time of the crash.

  2. JOhn — Van Tran wasn’t in the car; I doubt a cocktail party conversation led to a client-attny relationship in this case, but Quatch was pretty hammered and I have no tolerance for drunk drivers.

    If the questions are so easy, why won’t Van Tran answer them?

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