OC Labor’s Big Walk: Hundreds Walk for Labor Candidates

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez

ORANGE — On Saturday morning more than 350 Orange County labor union members walked precincts all across Orange County to support endorsed candidates of the Orange County Labor Federation. These volunteers reached out to thousands of fellow union members in more than 150 precincts reminding them to vote and who the labor supportive candidates are.

The afternoon was capped off with a rally featuring labor endorsed candidates and elected officials including Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and Assemblyman Jose Solorio.

Created with picasa slideshow from softsea.

Below is a slideshow from the rally.


  1. Thanks Chris,

    This story is so good – it gave me chills.

    Union soliditary was one of the main reasons for the rise of the middle-class in the USA. USA union Made goods benefits everyone here – except greedy corporate fatcats & Wall Street Banksters who think only their “effort” is worthy of a good wage.

    It’s time to get back to basics – USA Union Made goods.

    “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately” B. Franklin

    • Made in the U.S.A. should be reflected in Democratic tax policy and be part of labor’s message at every turn.

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