Loretta Debuts New TV Spot



As the campaign heats up, so is the advertising. And Rep. Loretta Sanchez has debuted a new ad that puts State Ass. Van Tran in his place.

The Committee to Re-Elect Loretta Sanchez today unveiled its second television spot of the 2010 cycle, which starting today will air on cable stations throughout Orange County. The ad shows Assemblyman Van Tran “sleeping on the job” while California families struggle under the weight of a record budget deficit, double-digit unemployment, and a faltering economy.

“The state of California is in a crisis,” said Jessica Mejia, campaign manager for the Re-elect Loretta Sanchez for Congress campaign. “There have been unprecedented cuts to education, health care, and other crucial social services. Hundreds of thousands of people are without a job. The state has been operating without a budget since July. We are truly at a crossroads.

“But none of that seems to concern Van Tran, who was literally caught sleeping on the job while the state legislature was in session,” Mejia continued. “It’s disgraceful. The people of Orange County deserve a leader who’s going to work hard on their behalf, not punt on the hard issues.”

In the state legislature, Van Tran has voted against the interests of Orange County families on numerous occasions. He supported cutting funding for California schools by $500 million, on top of $3 billion in cuts to higher education and $4.3 billion in cuts to community colleges. He voted against a property tax deferral for low-income seniors and opposed raising the minimum wage. He also voted against regulating health insurance rate hikes — by the same insurers that recently proposed increasing premiums for California families by as much as 39%.

The clip is available for viewing on www.Loretta.org/videos. Following is the script:

Check it out.


  1. American patriots in Congress need to stay in Washington D.C. and force through Glass-Steagall, (the Banking Act of 1933), then America’s financial system can be put through bankruptcy reorganization.
    Once America’s commercial banks are saved then the Federal Government can issue credit to start the “NAWAPA – A New Concept of Infrastructure”.

    I don’t mean to imply that Loretta is a traitor; I’m only saying that she is only capable of parroting Obama ‘talking points’, and that she has no concept of a fundamentally sound economy. Loretta voted to kill Glass-Steagall in 1999, she’s part of the problem!

    Disagree? – Then please, please visit http://www.Loretta.org click “Economic Development” and then compare Loretta to the “Restore Glass-Steagall” link and the “NAWAPA – A New Concept of Infrastructure” link at http://www.LaRouchePAC.com

    A Very Minor Issue:
    (California has the worst credit rating of the 50 states, and the third worst ‘Business Friendly’ rating, – both ratings brought to you by the Democratic Majority in the Assembly and State Senate).

  2. Did you say something Robert? I was distracted by pictures of Lyndon LaRouche with Hitler mustaches on them while he dressed in prison attire

  3. I would find it more amusing if Loretta had not come off as a racist in her comments in the Spanish interview. What about something positive for a change in the campaign?

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