Meg Whitman held what her campaign deemed a town hall meeting today at the Cristek Interconnect plant in Anaheim. In attendance at this supposedly invitation only event was a crowd of 300 people, mostly women. In his report, Orange County Register political reporter Martin Wisckol wrote:
“From the outset of her campaign, Whitman has said she needs to woo women, Latinos, and young voters if she is to win.”
Among those 300 women was Cecilia Iglesias, the self proclaimed Independent challenger to Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. We have written since the start of her campaign that Cecilia Iglesias is nothing more than a Republican plant, funded clandestinely by supporters of Republican nominee Assemblyman Van Tran. We have pointed out the fact that Iglesias has posted pictures of herself with a variety of high profile Republicans on her website. She has posed with Republican Hugh Nguyen the failed Republican challenger of Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly, Republican County Supervisor Bill Campbell, Republican Congressman Ed Royce, and today Republican candidate for Governor Meg Whitman.

Other than today’s photo with Meg Whitman, all of her pictures with these Republican candidates and elected officials were snapped at public events. Today’s photo-op is unique in that the people attending, specifically those able to get close enough to have their picture taken with Whitman, were people vetted by Republicans and the Whitman campaign as supporters and people they wanted at the event. As you can see by the photo above, Ceci Iglesias falls into that exclusive class of Republicans who were allowed access to Queen Meg.
Not only is Ceci Iglesias nothing but a plant watered (funded) and used by Assemblyman Van Tran and/or his supporters in an effort to siphon off Latino and female supporters from Sanchez, Ceci Iglesias is also a prop in Meg Whitman’s effort to woo Latinos and women in her bid to buy the position of California Governor.
Someone please pass the fertilizer I think we’ve got some gardening to do. At least now there can be no doubt who and what Cecilia Iglesias is.
UPDATE: The following press statement was released by the Democratic Party of Orange County
Democrats Ask Iglesias Why She’s So Embarrassed About Being A Republican
Did She Tell Meg Whitman Before She Squeezed Into the Photo?Congressional candidate Cecilia Iglesias is apparently embarrassed to tell voters that she really is a Republican says the Chair of the Democratic Party of Orange County, Frank Barbaro.
“Voting records show that Ceci walks like a Republican, talks like a Republican and votes as a Republican. While she may have ‘changed’ her party registration to Decline to State in 2009 so that she could qualify for the charade of running in the 47th Congressional District in 2010, she requested GOP ballots for elections in 2008 and 2006. I think she needs to explain why she is so embarrassed about being a Republican.”
Barbaro points out Iglesias’ latest photo op with GOP candidate Meg Whitman in Anaheim (OC Register Photograph of Ceci Iglesias with Meg Whitman) is another example of just how really phony is Iglesias’ campaign. “She’s not a ‘Decline to State’ candidate — she’s a ‘Decline to tell the truth” phony.
Barbaro adds that he understands why Iglesias is embarrassed about supporting the failed policies of the GOP, but notes that at least she should own up to the fact that she is really another GOP candidate running in the 47th District race.
“Not telling the truth in politics is deadly,” states Barbaro. “Voters, no matter what party they are in, don’t like it when a politician lies.”
I met Cecilia last night at the Santa Ana council/mayoral candidate forum. She seems very personable and bright – nice gal.
What I hear about Cecilia Iglesias is that she wants to represent all the citizens of District 47; this includes Democrats, Republicans, Decline of State, etc. As a voter of this district, I will vote for someone who will bring true representation to our community, regardless if they are Democrat, Republican or Decline of State. But, the more and more I read on Cecilia Iglesias, I like what she has to offer.
I am a Latino and Democrat and do not like Meg Whitman. Why didn’t the Democratic party offer us a better candidate?†Brown is not reaching out to the Latino voters.
Cecilia has a picture with her Lou Correa:
in my opinion, she is reaching out to both parties. I like her stand on wanting to be the bridge that will link the community together regardless of their party.
Loretta was interviewed by Jorge Ramos, and she looks and sounds weak. That is really scary, look at the link below:
Loretta is also saying for us the Latinos to vote for her because she is a Latina. Now, isn’t she playing the race card a little too much? Shouldn’t she be saying, “I am going to represent all nationalities equally?â€
The more I read, as a Democrat, I might vote for Cecilia Iglesias.
Ceci does indeed have a picture of her with Lou. Lou had no idea who this woman was when the picture was taken. He has asked Ms. Iglesias to remove the picture from her website as it is misleading to voters ans implies his support. The fact that it still remains is merely further demonstration of her lack of integrity.
But heck, if you want Van Tran to be your Congressman, go ahead and vote for Ceci. You won’t get any of your alleged democratic values with Van.
Chris, I don’t know where you are getting your bogus information…..look as a Democrat, I have long been a Loretta supporter and have voted for her all these years.
I know Ceci because I have worked with her when we were both campaigning for Lou Correa in his last two terms. Ceci has worked with him in various projects inclduding the renovation for the Santa Ana River. So Lou is vary much aware who Ceci is.
Ceci has encouraged many people to vote for Lou and has also campaigned for several Democrats who now hold position in the Santa Ana Unified School Board (I know because I also campaigned with her). She got a lot of us involved and we were knocking door to door, talking to businesses owners and guess what, we got them elected. This was not so long ago, so that tells me that this was when she was a Republican. Regardles of all your posts, please note that Ceci has supported Democrats and Republicans, so without realizing, she probably was always an Independent voter all along.
If Lou should ask (because I know he hasn’t)Ceci to remove his picture with her; he will get a lot of us Democratic voters raged!! I will make sure to spread the word once I find out.
Here is the thing, Lou is down to earth, and reaches out to all the voters (Democrats and Republicans). Lou has done a lot for the community and Ceci has conveyed that information to all of her friends, neighbors and family members.
So get your source correctly….let me guess, you won’t because you are probably getting paid to damage Ceci’s image..but than again that’s how you dirty bloggers work.
If any readers want to know the bias by TheliberalOC against this woman, read the other story about her “illegal” parking job a few days ago. Actually, after reading this story and the comments provided by TheliberalOC, “Facts are stupid things†sounds like the perfect slogan for this website(they attributed this quote to Reagan, even though he really said,”Facts are stubborn things.”) They don’t want to call Ceci Iglesias to get her side of the story becauseâ€Facts are stupid things.†They don’t want to answer about Loretta Sanchez lying on video about getting a pay raise in 2009 because,â€Facts are stupid things.†Watch this video:
Did you not notice her sitting with our buddies Sean and Art? Be careful.
This is also the same Ceci Iglesias who was caught last week doing her impression of a UCLA Football Player. Click on the link to see what I mean.
Maybe she could like a certain SAUSD candidate babysit her 8 year old boy while she campaigns; she has no idea what NAMBLA is.
Are you sure Claudio? She was sitting several rows behind those two scum bags when I saw her.
I do not think that Art or Sean would slither up to her – you know – she is the vote splitting candidate.
News flash, the Republican who calls himself “Junior” finds Ceci pleasant personally.
Of course she is, Junior. All we’re saying is that she’s a Republican. And a vote for her is a vote for Van Tran, and nobody should vote for either of them unless they liked the Bush-Cheney years and want to see John Boehner as Speaker of the House.
Vern, didn’t Loretta Run as a Republican back in 1994 under Loretta Brixey and Lost? Didn’t she changed from a Republican in 1996 to Democrat? So, I don’t understand what is the big deal that Cecilia changed from being a Democrat to Republican and now Decline of State. In my opinion, this is perfect! She is now reaching out to all of us regardless of our party.
Please don’t act dense, Rudy, whoever you are. If you don’t want Van Tran for your Congressman, and John Boehner running Congress the next two years, then Loretta needs your vote.
Ceci was arguably useful for getting Loretta’s attention focused on the DREAM Act and her Latino constituents. We cannot afford any more flirting with Ceci at this point.
You’re being politically incorrect. You’re implying that 90 something percent of Hispanic’s will only vote for a member of their tribe, their community, – their people, (Sanchez or Iglesias).
You’re also implying that Hispanics won’t bother to visit all 4 candidate’s web sites, (Gary “Jet†Schank is the 4th candidate), and conclude that all four candidates have no idea on what to do about America’s collapsing economy.
The first step to save our economy is Glass-Steagall, (Banking Act of 1933).
Links to all 4 candidates are at: click “State/Federal Candidates†at top of Home page.
The correct vote is “None of the Aboveâ€.
Robert Lauten on September 17, 2010 at 12:35 pm
You’re being politically incorrect. You’re implying that 90 something percent of Hispanic’s will only vote for a member of their tribe,â€â€
Latino’s come into the precinct with a card that tells them who to vote for.
Maybe politically incorrect, but appears to be true.
I wonder if these cards could be seen as “voter intimidation†just like the letter sent by that republican two years ago.
Iglesias is a a Reagan loving conservative, but where’s the proof of funding? Have you found that out for sure…you know like emails in the Martinez/Ward 6 scandal!
the only scandal in Ward 6 is why is Sal Tinajero so afraid of a politcal novice. Gabriel, how many illegal contributions has he taken for votes he shouldn’t have made? Not that we’ll read a word about it on OJ.
I suspect there’s a lot of cash in brown papers bags showing up for Ingelsias especially if Van Tran is involved. As far as his campaign duck goes, when will the assembly evcer answer the question about his status as Andy Quach’s lawyer when he tried to disrupt a police investigation while Quach was hammered and behind the wheel in Augusy 2009. Drunk drivers suck, don’t they Gabe?
Who do you think got her in the door to the Whitman event? What I have pointed out is that ther is no funding record for Iglesias. The funding from Van Tran and his supporters would be coming in paper bags, like he funds other campaigns. Everything is off the books.
And the emails, in what you wish was a Ward 6 scandal, only demonstrate a reason why Helen Martinez may have initially decided to run. You know, concern that a change needed to happen and her participation might cause that change to happen. There is nothing illegal in that. The fact remains however that the candidate who alllegedly may have been helped by her candidacy is not in the race. Helen Martinez is running against Sal Tinajero. Rather than running against Thomas Gordon, Sal should focus on making sure he doesn’t vote on stuff he is conflicted on. He can, and should, run on what he feels he has done for his Ward and the City over the last 4 years, and why he is better than his challengers.
Dan & Chris:
Van Tran is bad news. It’s not bad insight to speculate that Iglesias is an independent plant. If everything is off the books, unfortunately nothing can be said with concreteness, however.
Ps, I’m not a fan of the SA city council and despite being an OJ blogger, and whatever ‘group think’ you suppose that entails, I want to develop an independent critique more fully before speaking my piece there.
That being said, Moxley’s work is worth noting. Gordy F’d up his part on the signatures, but at least there is something concrete to point to in terms of the political scheme.
Get the proof. It could be out there. In the meantime, Iglesias having a former ARENA president present at her campaign event and posting a speech of Ronald Reagan propaganda hailing the 1982 Salvadoran elections on Facebook are more than enough to be deal breakers for me.
The Reagan video has since disappeared…
I’m still waiting for Moxley to report on the actual votes Sal and Michelle took that were illegal instead of supposition that Helen Martinez and Thomas conspired. We’re hearing there’s an email that wasn’t shared with Moxley that would have altered the direction of the story and we’re working on securing it.
“.. you know like emails in the Martinez/Ward 6 scandal!”
gsr – do you mean the Ward 6 NOTHING??
If you want a REAL scandal go here – it’s a fresh actual false candidacy with charges filed (PS – it’s a dem):
You want someone(Loretta Sanchez) to lie to hundreds of people to their faces, on video, at a Prayer Vigil(and start campaigning)? Watch this:
Elizabeth, I am a Latino and I was dissapointed when I watched the interview given to Loretta this month by Jorge Ramos, I am not sure if you speak Spanish, but watch the Link below and let me know what you think.
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves! You have pegged this poor woman and yet she is the only one who truly cares about the community! Does it really matter what side she is on if she is the only one who will give the people their voice back? Sanchez had done NOTHING for the community! You wanna talk about a plant? Have you looked at Loretta’s history? The changes in names and addresses? She wasn’t from the community like Cecilia Iglesias is. She didn’t work in the community as Cecilia Iglesias does. In fact, I just pulled this off a bio for Sanchez…”In 1994 Sanchez ran unsuccessfully as a moderate Republican for the Anaheim City Council under her then married name, Loretta Brixey. In 1996, she changed parties and recast herself as a moderate Democrat to run in the 46th District against six-term Republican incumbent Bob Dornan.” Wow, I know that you only care about Democrats winning elections…but maybe you should actually care about the people that are SUPPOSE to represent! As for me, I’m voting for Cecilia Iglesias!