OC League of Conservation Voters announces Endorsements for local races

The Orange County League of Conservation Voters, which focuses its efforts on electing and supporting environmentally responsible candidates for public office in Orange County, has announced their endorsements for local reces in the 2010 general election.  The following is the listing of races and those endorsed candidates:

City Council

Newport Beach: Mark Tabbert

Huntington Beach: Dan Kalmick, Blair Farley, Connie Boardman, Joe Shaw

Seal Beach: Joe Kalmick, Anne Seifert

Tustin: Sherri Loveland, Becky Gomez

Irvine: Larry Agran, Suhkee Kang, Shiva Farivar

Brea: Ric Clough

Fullerton: Doug Chaffee

San Clemente: Brenda Miller

Coast Community College District

Jim Moreno, Lynne Riddle

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