Loretta Sanchez and Craigslist

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez

This appeared in today’s The Hill.

Craigslist self-censoring a good first step (Rep. Loretta Sanchez)

By Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.) – 09/07/10 11:07 AM ET

Craigslist should be commended for censoring its adult services section, which is frequently abused by sex traffickers and other criminals.

Although Craigslist has not made clear whether its decision to censor this portion of its site is permanent, the symbolic importance of this action cannot be overstated. By shutting down the adult services section, Craigslist is showing that it truly values people over its own profits.
Unfortunately, I fear shutting down the adult services section won’t be enough. The reality is that sex traffickers won’t stop abusing their victims. They’ll merely move their operations to other parts of Craigslist, or other websites entirely. That’s why Craigslist and similar websites must put effective screening measures in place to ensure these kinds of solicitations never see the light of day.

1 Comment

  1. Head’s up Gustavo! Now that you’re the managing editor of OC Weekly, will you guys follow CraigsList’s lead? What about those ads in the OC Register’s sports pages? Is that really what a family newspaper ought to advertise? Why is it, I can’t read Dan Savage’s column at a coffeee shop somewhere without being bombarded with ads for strip clubs and escourts?

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