More than 1000 turn out for OC Labor Federation event to see Jerry Brown

Jerry Brown at OC Labor Federation Labor Day Celebration (Photo: Lou Delgado)

More than 1,000 people turned out for today’s Labor Day Celebration at the Santa Ana Zoo. The event was hosted by the Orange County Labor Federation and featured an impressive line up of speakers including Assemblyman Jose Solorio, Assemblyman Dave Jones (running for Insurance Commissioner), and Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. The featured speaker was Attorney General Jerry Brown who promised that “we have the fire power to deliver the truth to the people of California.”

“This campaign is about you, and your neighbors, and your friends. I don’t think you want to see an election that is all about who can buy the most ads,” Brown proclaimed. “It’s really about who cares the most about California; who understands California; and who can unite the very angry and disparate elements that currently make up our state. It’s about building the common base that brings strength to California.”

Visitors to this year’s celebration were able to meet many of the labor supportive candidates in this election who had set up tables to distribute their literature. So now that we’ve had our day in the Labor Day weekend sun, it is time to get out and work to help those candidates get elected in November. Jerry Brown needs your help. Senator Barbara Boxer needs your help. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez needs your help. State Senator Lou Correa needs your help, as do dozens of other candidates. The winners in this election will be determined by what you do.

Happy Labor Day.

Click on this link to view Lou Delgado’s slide show from the celebration.