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Assemblyman Van Tran-The Real Race Baiter of OC

September 30, 2010 0

“Only we [Vietnamese] can have sympathy and only us [Vietnamese] can understand our concerns. Only we [Vietnamese] will truly care, protect the true interests of the Vietnamese community in many all areas such as economic and social security that we have not long had a voice in the U.S. legislative process.”

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Santa Ana Council Member’s ‘Pay to Play’ votes referred to DA for review

September 30, 2010 10

TheLiberalOC learned on Wednesday afternoon that Santa Ana City Attorney Joseph Fletcher has referred the matter of improper votes by Council members Sal Tinajero, Michele Martinez, and Claudia Alvarez to the Orange County District Attorney for review. The votes in question appear to violate Santa Ana Municipal Code section 2-107.

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Around Town in South County….

September 30, 2010 1

It has been an interesting week, to say the least!!! I spent that Saturday Night dropping by a Community Meet and Greet for the Capistrano Candidates. It is great that the grass root support is starting to build up in a major way. For those who have been driving around town, the signs have been springing up everywhere. It appears that the opposition seems to be silent. As the discourse continued, someone handed me an email from one of the current incumbents. It touted how they were “conservative” and “for reform”, while the current slate was “Pro-Union”. They seemed to forget that two of the key players have Union Support and that the focus had to be on the kids. It was still interesting reading, though.

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Rep. Loretta Sanchez Introduces Bill to fight child sex trafficking and tourism

September 30, 2010 2

“Child sex tourism is a horrific crime that exploits the most innocent and vulnerable members of our society,” said Rep. Sanchez. “These predators often have a long history of abusing children, both in the U.S. and abroad. By requiring sex offenders to flag their travel plans, my bill will give law enforcement a powerful tool in the fight against child exploitation.”

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Nick Berardino challenges Mauk on executive pay

September 30, 2010 0

OCEA General Manager Nick Berardino challenged County CEO Tom Mauk to a debate about executive compensation during the County Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday. Berardino also called for Supervisors to start paying for their pensions during a discussion about whether Supervisors should move toward a defined contribution retirement plan.

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Orange County Democrats to Kick Off Unity Campaign on Saturday

September 29, 2010 0

With the election exactly one month away, the Orange County Democratic Party is kicking off its “unity campaign” on Saturday, October 2, 2010 with a “unity walk” in the heart of Garden Grove today announced Frank Barbaro, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Orange County.

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Schwarzenegger Signs Senator Correa’s Bill to Increase Education Benefits for National Guard Members

September 29, 2010 2

“I applaud the Governor’s approval of this important measure. This new law will protect the California National Guard members who are currently enrolled in a higher education institution when they are ordered to perform active military duty,” said Senator Correa. “Now, these brave men and women can rest assured that they will not be academically or financially penalized for performing their service to the people of California.”

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Sanchez supported Small Business Jobs Act will bring “Jobs for Orange County”

September 29, 2010 1

“Small businesses are the engine of our economy, creating two-thirds of the new jobs over the last 15 years,” said Rep. Sanchez, who is a member of the bipartisan Joint Economic Committee. “These firms depend on access to capital to grow and thrive, but can’t get the financing they need due to tight lending standards. This bill will help deliver the funding small businesses need to expand and create jobs in Orange County.”