Van Tran’s Inconvenient Truth

Van Tran sent out a funny attack email against Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez today. Highlighting an article by the Orange County Register’s Martin Wisckol about congressional constituant mailings Trans campaign quoted from the article:

Republican opponent Van Tran’s campaign has taken a broad swing at her for the franked mailings.

Mailings by Sanchez this year include bilingual pieces targeting the Vietnamese community, which could swing the November election. While the mailings includes the glossy color approach…

…That didn’t prompt restraint in the attack by Tran campaign aide George Andrews.

“Sanchez’s reckless Congressional franking spending habits mirrors her reckless votes in favor of increased spending that has sky-rocketed our national debt,” Andrews said.

Well he forgot to mention a few things:

As I pointed out in my June commentary Van Tran, a NRCC Contender without the right stuff:

For a small “g” government Republican Van Tran sure puts an interesting spin on things. He tries to paint Congresswoman Sanchez as an ineffective member of Congress while ignoring his own dismal record of doing absolutely nothing for his Assembly district. Even on his own campaign website Van Tran cannot point to one single accomplishment that he can be credited with for his time in the Assembly. 

But Van Tran has pocketed more than $137,000 in tax-free, tax payer funded per diem to cover his out of district living expenses while in Sacramento. The problem is that he lives permanently in a 2,658 -square-foot, three car garage home in Sacramento with his wife and two children. He claims to still live at home with his parents in for the purpose of showing a residence in his Assembly district.

Van Tran's Sacramento Home (Photo Brian Joseph -OCR)

The information about this came from Brian Joseph’s OC Register story How lawmakers turned a perk into profit where he wrote:

Assemblyman Van Tran’s wife owns this West Sacramento home in her name and has declared this her principal residence for tax purposes. But state law allows Tran to call his parents’ house in Westminster his residence, which has enabled him to collect more than $137,000 in travel allowance for being away from home when he stays in West Sacramento during the legislative session.

So really Van, you want to go there? Bring it on.


  1. I just get so tired off all the idiocy and nonsense being spewed by Van Tran and Dana Rohrabacher.

    They just think they can say anything and no one will bother checking, even when, as Tran himself graciously provides in this case, the factual links are easily accessed.

    Dana promotes his support of education with his helping to provide a police training facility at Golden West College while he has voted down billions in education funding over the years and does nothing as local schools and community colleges suffer their worst ever string of budget problems and would face draconian cutbacks if not for aid that Rohrabacher voted against. Mr. Rohrabacher in his four page glossy “Washington report” (not the single color item Wisckol refers to) promotes his co-sponsorship of the mis-named “Patients’ Choice Act” that would destroy medicare and eliminate access to medical care for tens of millions of Americans (most severely impacting his constituents in this district with one of the eldest populations). I could go on regarding Dana’s newsletter deceptions and hypocrisy on immigration, space, energy and more.

    Mr. Tran was fantastically selective in the quotes he took from Martin Wisckol’s article. Tran criticizes Loretta for a flyer in Vietnamese, but she has over the years done far more for the Vietnamese community in Orange County (and around the world) than Mr. Tran. She does not just do outreach at election time as Mr. Tran does. And she certainly doesn’t extort the community while ignoring its real needs as many reports from Little Saigon have stated that Mr. Tran has done. But the attack on the Congressional franking costs is truly sleazy as, as Mr. Wisckol reports, Rep. Sanchez spent less than all the other (all Republican) members of the Orange County Congressional delegation. In fact they all spent at least $90,000 more than Loretta’s $156,537, several spent double that amount and Rep. Calvert spent triple what Rep. Sanchez did.

    I appreciate Mr. Wisckol’s excellent and fair article and am sorry to see it hacked up and misused by Mr. Tran.

    We should expect more integrity, honesty and forthrightness of our elected leaders than we are getting from Mr. Tran and many of the Republican legislators and candidates here.

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  1. Tyler “Triple” Diep Learned His Tricks From Van Tran

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